[Java programming language only]

Installing the Liberty application server environment by running a JAR file

By running the Java archive (JAR) file that contains the distribution image, you install the application-serving environment, and you are ready to create a Liberty server.

About this task

You can install the Liberty application server environment by running a JAR file as described in this topic, or by using the Installation Manager.

When you run the JAR file for WebSphere® Application Server to install the Liberty, you must extract the JAR file first. Then, extract the Liberty JAR file for WebSphere eXtreme Scale. If you use IBM Installation Manager to install WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5 and obtain the Liberty, then you must use Installation Manager to also install WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

This task supports the following editions:
  • WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core
  • WebSphere Application Server, Base and Developer editions
  • WebSphere Application Server, Network Deployment
  • WebSphere Application Server for z/OS

For download information for the Liberty application-serving and data caching environments, see the WASdev community downloads page.


  1. Extract the WebSphere Application Server Liberty distribution image to your preferred directory.
    This image is packaged as a JAR file; for example, [Version 8.6 and later]wlp-edition- Use one of the following actions to extract this JAR file:
    • To extract the distribution image by using the wizard, run [Version 8.6 and later]java -jar wlp-edition-
    • To extract the distribution image by accepting the license terms and conditions silently, run [Version 8.6 and later]java -jar wlp-edition- -acceptLicense.
    • To view all available options, run [Version 8.6 and later]java -jar wlp-edition- -help.
    • After you run the command to extract the JAR file, follow the steps that are documented through the command-line utility to complete the installation.

    All the application server files are now stored in subdirectories of the wlp directory.

  2. Optional: Set the JAVA_HOME property for your environment.

    The Liberty profile requires a JRE in which to run. It does not share the JDK or JRE that the WebSphere Application Server full profile uses. You can specify the JDK or JRE location by using the JAVA_HOME property in the server.env file, as described in Customizing the Liberty environment. On Linux® or UNIX systems, you can instead set JAVA_HOME in the user .bashrc file, or append the JDK or JRE path to the PATH environment variable. On Windows systems, you can instead set JAVA_HOME as a system environment variable, or append the JDK or JRE path to the PATH system variable.

    [Windows]For example, on Windows systems you can use the following commands to set the JAVA_HOME property, and to add the Java™ /bin directory to the path:
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\Java\JDK16
    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
  3. Install OSGi blueprint Liberty features that support deployment of OSGi applications.
    WebSphere eXtreme Scale requires the blueprint-1.0 and wab-1.0 features, which depend on the Liberty runtime environment. These features might not be installed by default. Therefore, run the following lines of code to install these missing features:
    bin/installUtility install blueprint-1.0 --when-file-exists=ignore
    bin/installUtility install wab-1.0 --when-file-exists=ignore
  4. Download WebSphere eXtreme Scale for Developers -Liberty.
    Extract the WebSphere eXtreme Scale distribution image to the directory where you extracted the [Version 8.6 and later]wlp-edition- file.
    This image is packaged as a JAR file called [Version 8.6 and later]wxs-wlp_8.6.0.0.jar in V8.6 and [Version and later]wxs-wlp_8.6.0.x.jar in V8.6 fix packs. To extract the distribution image, run the JAR file; for example, run the following command, depending on your version of eXtreme Scale: [Version only]
    java -jar wxs-wlp_8.6.0.2.jar 
    java -jar wxs-wlp_8.6.0.3.jar 
    [Version and later]
    java -jar wxs-wlp_8.6.0.x.jar 


If you extract [Version and later]the wxs-wlp_8.6.0.x.jar file for V8.6 fix packs, eXtreme Scale is installed on top of the WebSphere Application Server Liberty when you extract both JAR files to the same directory.