[Java programming language only]

Starting the JPA time-based updater

When you start the Java™ Persistence API (JPA) time-based updater, the ObjectGrid maps are updated with the latest changes in the database.

Before you begin

Configure the time-based updater. See Configuring a JPA time-based data updater.

About this task

For more information about how the Java Persistence API (JPA) time-based data updater works, see JPA time-based data updater.


  • Start a time-based database updater.
    • Automatically for distributed eXtreme Scale:

      If you create the timeBasedDBUpdate configuration for the backing map, the time-based database updater is automatically started when a distributed ObjectGrid primary shard is activated. For an ObjectGrid that has multiple partitions, the time-based database updater only starts at partition 0.

    • Automatically for local eXtreme Scale:

      If you create the timeBasedDBUpdate configuration for the backing map, the time-based database updater is automatically started when the local map is activated.

    • Manually:
      You can also manually start or stop a time-based database updater using the TimeBasedDBUpdater API.
      public synchronized void startDBUpdate(ObjectGrid objectGrid, String mapName, 
      	String punitName, Class entityClass, String timestampField, DBUpdateMode mode) {
      1. ObjectGrid: the ObjectGrid instance (local or client).
      2. mapName: the name of the backing map for which the time-based database updater is started.
      3. punitName: the JPA persistence unit name for creating a JPA entity manager factory; the default value is the name of the first persistence unit defined in the persistence.xml file.
      4. entityClass: The entity class name used to interact with the Java Persistence API (JPA) provider; the entity class name is used to get JPA entities using entity queries.
      5. timestampField: A timestamp field of the entity class to identify the time or sequence when a database back end record was last updated or inserted.
      6. mode: The time-based database update mode; an INVALIDATE_ONLY type causes it to invalidate the entries in the ObjectGrid map if the corresponding records in the database have changed; an UPDATE_ONLY type indicates to update the existing entries in the ObjectGrid map with the latest values from the database; however, all the newly inserted records to the database are ignored; an INSERT_UPDATE type indicates to update the existing entries in the ObjectGrid map with the latest values from the database; also, all the newly inserted records to the database are inserted into the ObjectGrid map.

      If you want to stop the time-based database updater, you can call the following method to stop the updater:

      public synchronized void stopDBUpdate(ObjectGrid objectGrid, String mapName)

      The ObjectGrid and mapName parameters should be the same as those passed in the startDBUpdate method.

  • Create the timestamp field in your database.
    • DB2®

      As a part of the optimistic locking feature, DB2 9.5 provides a row change timestamp feature. You can define a column ROWCHGTS using the ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP format as follows:


      Then you can indicate the entity field which corresponds to this column as the timestamp field by either annotation or configuration. An example follows:

      @Entity(name = "USER_DB2")
      @Table(name = "USER1")
      public class User_DB2 implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          public User_DB2() {
          public User_DB2(int id, String firstName, String lastName) {
              this.id = id;
              this.firstName = firstName;
              this.lastName = lastName;
          @Column(name = "ID")
          public int id;
          @Column(name = "FIRSTNAME")
          public String firstName;
          @Column(name = "LASTNAME")
          public String lastName;
          @Column(name = "ROWCHGTS", updatable = false, insertable = false)
          public Timestamp rowChgTs;
    • Oracle

      In Oracle, there is a pseudo-column ora_rowscn for the system change number of the record. You can use this column for the same purpose. An example of the entity that uses the ora_rowscn field as the time-based database update timestamp field follows:

      @Entity(name = "USER_ORA")
      @Table(name = "USER1")
      public class User_ORA implements Serializable  {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          public User_ORA() {
          public User_ORA(int id, String firstName, String lastName) {
              this.id = id;
              this.firstName = firstName;
              this.lastName = lastName;
          @Column(name = "ID")
          public int id;
          @Column(name = "FIRSTNAME")
          public String firstName;
          @Column(name = "LASTNAME")
          public String lastName;
          @Column(name = "ora_rowscn", updatable = false, insertable = false)
          public long rowChgTs;
    • Other databases

      For other types of databases, you can create a table column to track the changes. The column values have to be manually managed by the application that updates the table.

      Take an Apache Derby database as an example: You can create a column "ROWCHGTS" to track the change numbers. Also, a latest change number is tracked for this table. Every time a record is inserted or updated, the latest change number for the table is incremented, and the ROWCHGTS column value for the record is updated with this incremented number.

      @Entity(name = "USER_DER")
      @Table(name = "USER1")
      public class User_DER implements Serializable {
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          public User_DER() {
          public User_DER(int id, String firstName, String lastName) {
              this.id = id;
              this.firstName = firstName;
              this.lastName = lastName;
          @Column(name = "ID")
          public int id;
          @Column(name = "FIRSTNAME")
          public String firstName;
          @Column(name = "LASTNAME")
          public String lastName;
          @Column(name = "ROWCHGTS", updatable = true, insertable = true)
          public long rowChgTs;