Lesson 2.4: Install the Google Protocol Buffers and sample plug-in bundles

Complete this tutorial to install the protobuf-java-2.4.0a-bundle.jar bundle and the ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar plug-in bundle using the Equinox OSGi console.

Install the Google Protocol Buffers plug-in

About this task

Complete the following steps to install the Google Protocol Buffers plug-in.


In the OSGI console, enter the following command to install the plug-in:
osgi> install file:///wxs_sample_osgi_root/lib/com.google.protobuf_2.4.0a.jar
The following output is displayed:
Bundle ID is 21

Sample plug-in bundles overview

The OSGi sample includes five sample bundles that include eXtreme Scale plug-ins, including a custom ObjectGridEventListener and MapSerializerPlugin plug-in. The MapSerializerPlugin plug-in uses the Google Protocol Buffers sample and messages provided by the MapSerializerPlugin sample.

The following bundles are located in wxs_sample_osgi_root/lib directory: ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar and the ProtoBufSamplePlugins-2.0.0.jar.

The blueprint.xml file has the following content with comments removed:
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0">
	<bean id="myShardListener" class="com.ibm.websphere.samples.xs.proto.osgi.MyShardListenerFactory"/>
	<service ref="myShardListener" interface="com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.osgi.PluginServiceFactory" ranking="1">

	<bean id="myProtoBufSerializer" class="com.ibm.websphere.samples.xs.proto.osgi.ProtoMapSerializerFactory">
		<property name="keyType" value="com.ibm.websphere.samples.xs.serializer.app.proto.DataObjects1$OrderKey" />
		<property name="valueType" value="com.ibm.websphere.samples.xs.serializer.app.proto.DataObjects1$Order" />

	<service ref="myProtoBufSerializer" interface="com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.osgi.PluginServiceFactory"

The Blueprint XML file exports two services, myShardListener and myProtoBufSerializer. These two services are referenced in the protoBufObjectgrid.xml file.

Install the sample plug-in bundle

Complete the following steps to install the ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar bundle.


Run the following command in the Equinox OSGi console to install the ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar plugin bundle:
osgi> install file:///wxs_sample_osgi_root/lib/ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar
The following output is displayed:
Bundle ID is 22

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you installed the protobuf-java-2.4.0a-bundle.jar bundle and the ProtoBufSamplePlugins-1.0.0.jar plug-in bundle.