[Java programming language only]

Installing eXtreme Scale bundles

WebSphere® eXtreme Scale includes bundles that can be installed into an Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework. These bundles are required to start eXtreme Scale servers or use eXtreme Scale clients in OSGi. You can install the eXtreme Scale bundles using the Equinox console or using the config.ini configuration file.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you have installed the following products:
  • Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework
  • eXtreme Scale stand-alone client or server

About this task

eXtreme Scale includes two bundles. Only one of the following bundles is required in an OSGi framework:
The server bundle is the objectgrid.jar file and is installed with the eXtreme Scale stand-alone server installation and is required for running eXtreme Scale servers and can also be used for running eXtreme Scale clients, or local, in-memory caches. The bundle ID for the objectgrid.jar file is com.ibm.websphere.xs.server_<version>, where the version is in the format: <Version>.<Release>.<Modification>. For example, the server bundle for this release is com.ibm.websphere.xs.server_8.5.0.
The ogclient.jar bundle is installed with the eXtreme Scale stand-alone and client installations and is used to run eXtreme Scale clients or local, in-memory caches. The bundle ID for ogclient.jar file is com.ibm.websphere.xs.client_<version>, where the version is in the format: <Version>_<Release>_<Modification. For example, the client bundle for this release is com.ibm.websphere.xs.server_8.5.0.
For more information about developing eXtreme Scale plug-ins, see the System APIs and Plug-ins topic.

Install the eXtreme Scale client or server bundle into the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework using the Equinox console


  1. Start the Eclipse Equinox framework with the console enabled; for example:

    java_home/bin/java -jar <equinox_root>/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.1.R36x_v20100806.jar -console

  2. Install the eXtreme Scale client or server bundle in the Equinox console:
    osgi> install file:///<path to bundle>
  3. Equinox displays the bundle ID for the newly installed bundle:
    Bundle id is 25
  4. Start the bundle in the Equinox console, where <id> is the bundle ID assigned when the bundle was installed:
    osgi>  start <id>
  5. Retrieve the service status in the Equinox console to verify that the bundle has started; for example:
    osgi> ss 
    When the bundle starts successfully, the bundle displays the ACTIVE state; for example:
    25      ACTIVE      com.ibm.websphere.xs.server_8.5.0

Install the eXtreme Scale client or server bundle into the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework using the config.ini file


  1. Copy the eXtreme Scale client or server (objectgrid.jar or ogclient.jar) bundle from the <wxs_install_root>/ObjectGrid/lib to the Eclipse Equinox plug-ins directory; for example:
  2. Edit the Eclipse Equinox config.ini configuration file, and add the bundle to the osgi.bundles property; for example:
    org.eclipse.osgi.services_3.2.100.v20100503.jar@1:start, \
    org.eclipse.osgi.util_3.2.100.v20100503.jar@1:start, \
    org.eclipse.equinox.cm_1.0.200.v20100520.jar@1:start, \
    Important: Verify that a blank line exists after the last bundle name. Each bundle is separated by a comma.
  3. Start the Eclipse Equinox framework with the console enabled; for example:

    java_home/bin/java -jar <equinox_root>/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.1.R36x_v20100806.jar -console

  4. Retrieve the service status in the Equinox console to verify that the bundle has started:
    osgi> ss
    When the bundle starts successfully, the bundle displays the ACTIVE state; for example:
    25      ACTIVE      com.ibm.websphere.xs.server_8.5.0


The eXtreme Scale server or client bundle is installed and started in your Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework.