Configuring eXtreme Scale servers to use the Liberty profile

To run the data grid in a Liberty profile, you must configure WebSphere® eXtreme Scale servers to use Liberty profile configuration files.


  1. Configure a catalog server with default settings using the following attributes in the server.xml file, which tells eXtreme Scale to create and start a catalog server:
    <server description="eXtreme Scale Catalog Server with default settings">
        <!-- Enable features -->
        < catalogServer="true" listenerPort="${}" />
        <logging traceSpecification="*=info" maxFileSize="200" maxFiles="10" />

    Notice that the listenerPort element is referenced in the server.xml; however, you configure this value in the file. It can be useful to separate elements such as port numbers out of the server.xml so that multiple processes that run with an identical configuration can share the same server.xml file, but still have unique settings.

  2. Configure the listenerPort attribute in the file.

    In the previous example, tracing is specified in the Liberty profile configuration, and the listenerPort attribute specifies a variable. This variable is configured in the file in the server configuration directory, wlp_install_root/usr/server/serverName. See the following example of the file:

    # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
    # "Restricted Materials of IBM"
    # Copyright IBM Corp. 2012 All Rights Reserved.
    # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
    # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
    # IBM Corp.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # port for the OSGi console
    # osgi.console=5678

    In this example, the osgi.console port is commented out, which means that the Liberty profile listens on the specified port for telnet clients to connect to an OSGi console. This behavior is useful for diagnosing OSGi-related errors.

  3. Configure the server.xml file using the same configuration that you might use for a stand-alone server configuration.
    In the server.xml file, specify the file path to the properties file in a serverProps attribute inside the element. See the following example from the server.xml file:
    < ... serverProps="/path/to/" ... />
    Restriction: The Liberty configuration model has restrictions in the way properties are specified. Therefore, if you require the following properties, you must specify them in the server properties file:
    Specifies the names of catalog service domains to which you want to link in the multimaster replication topology.
    Specifies the unsecured listener port number of eXtremeIO on the server. If you do not set the value, an ephemeral port is used. This property is used only when the transportType property is set to TCP/IP. xioChannel.xioContainerTCPSecure.Port.
    Some properties that were formerly configurable in a stand-alone environment must be configured using the Liberty profile configuration instead of the eXtreme Scale configuration mechanisms.
    • Logging and tracing settings must be specified using the logging element in the server.xml file, rather than being specified in the eXtreme Scale server properties file or element.
    • The working directory, like logging and tracing, is a server-wide setting, and therefore, they must be specified in a server-wide way.
    If the previous settings are specified incorrectly, eXtreme Scale logs a warning message, which indicates that the settings are ignored.