Lesson 4.1: Configure the Liberty profile to run with eXtreme Scale clients

Use the WebSphere® eXtreme Scale client feature to run the Liberty profile with eXtreme Scale clients.

About this task

This configuration provides only the client functionality. In this application, the server function runs in another process. Adding the client feature allows your application to access the eXtreme Scale APIs and connect to a remote grid.

This client configuration provides a single process that includes what you need to unit test a web application using an eXtreme Scale data grid. When you add the client feature, it starts a catalog server and a container server when the configuration is deployed into the grid directory. In addition, after you add the client feature, the application can write to the eXtreme Scale APIs.


  1. Add the client feature to the Liberty server.
    Add the following code to the Liberty server:[Version 8.6 and later]
    <server description="eXtreme Scale Container Server">
  2. (Optional) Alternatively, you can use the eXtreme Scale server feature to reference the client configuration.
    When you add the following server configuration, the client functionality is automatically included:[Version 8.6 and later]
    <server description="eXtreme Scale Container Server">
  3. (Optional) To configure security for your clients, then use the client.xml file to specify the path to the server properties file, which contains all of the security settings.


You configured the Liberty profile by adding the client feature to the Liberty server.