[Java programming language only]

Configuring eXtreme Scale plug-ins with OSGi Blueprint

All eXtreme Scale ObjectGrid and BackingMap plug-ins can be defined as OSGi beans and services using the OSGi Blueprint Service available with Eclipse Gemini or Apache Aries.

Before you begin

Before you can configure your plug-ins as OSGi services, you must first package your plug-ins in an OSGi bundle, and understand the fundamental principles of the required plug-ins. The bundle must import the WebSphere® eXtreme Scale server or client packages and other dependent packages required by the plug-ins, or create a bundle dependency on the eXtreme Scale server or client bundles This topic describes how to configure the Blueprint XML to create plug-in beans and expose them as OSGi services for eXtreme Scale to use.

About this task

Beans and services are defined in a Blueprint XML file, and the Blueprint container discovers, creates, and wires the beans together and exposes them as services. The process makes the beans available to other OSGi bundles, including the eXtreme Scale server and client bundles.

When creating custom plug-in services for use with eXtreme Scale, the bundle that is to host the plug-ins, must be configured to use Blueprint. In addition, a Blueprint XML file must be created and stored within the bundle. Read about building OSGi applications with the Blueprint Container specification for a general understanding of the specification.


  1. Create a Blueprint XML file.
    You can name the file anything. However, you must include the blueprint namespace:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0">
  2. Create bean definitions in the Blueprint XML file for each eXtreme Scale plug-in.
    Beans are defined using the <bean> element and can be wired to other bean references and can include initialization parameters.
    Important: When defining a bean, you must use the correct scope. Blueprint supports the singleton and prototype scopes. eXtreme Scale also supports a custom shard scope.

    Define most eXtreme Scale plug-ins as prototype or shard-scoped beans, since all of the beans must be unique for each ObjectGrid shard or BackingMap instance it is associated with. Shard-scoped beans can be useful when using the beans in other contexts to allow retrieving the correct instance.

    To define a prototype-scoped bean, use the scope="prototype" attribute on the bean:
    <bean id="myPluginBean" class="com.mycompany.MyBean" scope="prototype">
    To define a shard-scoped bean, you must add the objectgrid namespace to the XML schema, and use the scope="objectgrid:shard" attribute on the bean:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
        <bean id="myPluginBean" class="com.mycompany.MyBean" 
  3. Create PluginServiceFactory bean definitions for each plug-in bean.
    All eXtreme Scale beans must have a PluginServiceFactory bean defined so that the correct bean scope can be applied. eXtreme Scale includes a BlueprintServiceFactory that you can use. It includes two properties that must be set. You must set the blueprintContainer property to the blueprintContainer reference, and the beanId property must be set to the bean identifier name. When eXtreme Scale looks up the service to instantiate the appropriate beans, the server looks up the bean component instance using the Blueprint container.
    bean id="myPluginBeanFactory"
        <property name="blueprintContainer" ref="blueprintContainer" />
        <property name="beanId" value="myPluginBean" />
  4. Create a service manager for each PluginServiceFactory bean.
    Each service manager exposes the PluginServiceFactory bean, using the <service> element. The service element identifies the name to expose to OSGi, the reference to the PluginServiceFactory bean, the interface to expose, and the ranking of the service. eXtreme Scale uses the service manager ranking to perform service upgrades when the eXtreme Scale grid is active. If the ranking is not specified, the OSGi framework assumes a ranking of 0. Read about updating service rankings for more information.
    Blueprint includes several options for configuring service managers. To define a simple service manager for a PluginServiceFactory bean, create a <service> element for each PluginServiceFactory bean:
    <service ref="myPluginBeanFactory"
  5. Store the Blueprint XML file in the plug-ins bundle.
    The Blueprint XML file must be stored in the OSGI-INF/blueprint directory for the Blueprint container to be discovered.
    To store the Blueprint XML file in a different directory, you must specify the following Bundle-Blueprint manifest header:
    Bundle-Blueprint: OSGI-INF/blueprint.xml


The eXtreme Scale plug-ins are now configured to be exposed in an OSGi Blueprint container, In addition, the ObjectGrid descriptor XML file is configured to reference the plug-ins using the OSGi Blueprint service.