[Java programming language only]

Uninstalling the product using the command line

You can uninstall the product using IBM® Installation Manager from the command line.

Before you begin

You must remove the WebSphere® eXtreme Scale augment from all WebSphere Application Server profiles before uninstalling WebSphere eXtreme Scale. You will be unable to perform the unaugment after uninstalling WebSphere eXtreme Scale. Use the manageprofiles command to unaugment existing profiles in a WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment.


  1. Log on to your system.
  2. Stop all processes that are running in your environment.
  3. Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
  4. Use the imcl command to uninstall the product.
    imcl.exe uninstall com.ibm.websphere.v85,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory
    ./imcl uninstall com.ibm.websphere.v85,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory
    • You can remove a list of features that are separated by commas—the feature ID. For example,
      imcl uninstall com.ibm.websphere.WXS.v85,xs.console.feature,xs.samples.feature 
      • client indicates the stand-alone client feature
      • server indicates the stand-alone server feature
      • console indicates the web based monitoring console
      • samples indicates the samples
    • If a list of features is not specified, the entire product is uninstalled.
  5. If the uninstallation process displays a list of augmented WebSphere Application Server profiles, then you must unaugment these profiles in order to proceed with the uninstallation.
  6. Optional: Uninstall IBM Installation Manager.
    Important: Before you can uninstall IBM Installation Manager, you must uninstall all of the packages that were installed by Installation Manager.

    Read the IBM Installation Manager Version 1.5 documentation for information about using the uninstall script to perform this procedure.