Servlet context initialization parameters

The following list of servlet context initialization parameters can be specified in the splicer properties file as required in the chosen splicing method.



A string value of either true or false. Set to true if your environment contains multiple applications that use unique cookie names. Default is false, which assumes all applications are using the same cookie name.


Specifies the retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, there will not be any authentication retry.


The catalog server can be contacted to obtain a client side ObjectGrid instance. The value must be of the form host:port<,host:port>. The host is the listener host on which the catalog server is running. The port is the listener port for that catalog server process. This list can be arbitrarily long and is used for bootstrapping only. The first viable address is used. It is optional inside WebSphere® Application Server if the property is configured.

Specifies the client credential authentication support.The possible values are:
  • Never- The client does not support credential authentication.
  • Supported - The client supports the credential authentication if and only if the server supports too.
  • Required - The client requires the credential authentication. The default value is Supported.
Specifies if you require sessions to be accessible across hosts. Set the value to the name of the common domain between the hosts.

Specifies the name of the class that implements the interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients.


The name of the class that implements the interface. This class is used to obtain credentials for clients.


The properties for the CredentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method. The credentialGeneratorProps value is used only if the value of the credentialGeneratorClass property is not null.


A string value of either true or false. Enables eXtreme Scale client HTTP Sessions statistics tracking.


A string value of either true or false. The default value is true. Use this setting to control whether the product stores session data as a whole entry, or stores each attribute separately.

Set the fragmentedSession parameter to true if the web application session has many attributes or attributes with large sizes. Set fragmentedSession to false if a session has few attributes, because all the attributes are stored in the same key in the data grid.

In the previous, filter-based implementation, this property was referred to as persistenceMechanism, with the possible values of ObjectGridStore (fragmented) and ObjectGridAtomicSessionStore (not fragmented).


A string value of either REMOTE or EMBEDDED. The default is REMOTE.

If it is set to REMOTE, the session data is stored outside of the server on which the web application is running.

If it is set to EMBEDDED, an embedded eXtreme Scale container starts in the application server process on which the web application is running.


A string value that defines the name of the ObjectGrid instance used for a particular web application. The default name is session.

This property must reflect the objectGridName in both the ObjectGrid XML and deployment XML files used to start the eXtreme Scale container servers.


The file location of the objectgrid.xml file. The built-in XML file packaged in the eXtreme Scale library is loaded automatically if objectGridType=EMBEDDED and the objectGridXML property is not specified.


Specifies the location of the objectGrid deployment policy XML file. The built-in XML file packaged in the eXtreme Scale library is loaded automatically if objectGridType=EMBEDDED and the objectGridDeploymentXML property is not specified.


An integer value (in seconds) that defines the time between writing of updated sessions to ObjectGrid. The default is 10 seconds. Possible values are from 0 to 60. 0 means that updated sessions are written to the ObjectGrid at the end of servlet service method call for each request. A higher replicationInterval value improves performance because fewer updates are written to the data grid. However, a higher value makes the configuration less fault tolerant.

This setting applies only when objectGridType is set to REMOTE.

A string value of either true or false. The default is false. Set to true if the underlying web container reuses session IDs across requests to different hosts. The value of this property must be the same as the value in the web container. If you are using WebSphere Application Server and configuring eXtreme Scale HTTP session persistence using the administrative console or wsadmin tool scripting, the web container custom property HttpSessionIdReuse=true is added by default. The reuseSessionID is also set to true. If you do not want the session IDs to be reused, set the HttpSessionIdReuse=false custom property on the web container custom property before you configure eXtreme Scale session persistence.

The name of the class that implements the interface. This class is used to override the unique session identifier retrieved with the HttpSession.getId() method so that all applications have the same ID. The default is to use the user ID derived from the HttpSession.getId().

sessionStatsSpec = session.all = enabled

A string of eXtreme Scale client HTTP statistics specification.

A string value of either true or false. The default is false. Specifies if sessions are shared across web applications, specified as a string value of either true or false. The servlet specification states that HTTP Sessions cannot be shared across web applications. An extension to the servlet specification is provided to allow this sharing.

An integer value that defines the number of session references kept in memory. The default is 1000.

This setting pertains only to a REMOTE topology because the EMBEDDED topology already has the session data in the same tier as the web container.

Sessions are evicted from the in-memory table based on least recently used (LRU) logic. When a session is evicted from the in-memory table, it is invalidated from the web container. However, the data is not removed from the grid, so subsequent requests for that session can still retrieve the data. This value must be set higher than the web container maximum thread pool value, which reduces contention on the session cache.


A string value of either true or false. The default value is false. This setting enables eXtreme Scale client security. It must match the securityEnabled setting in the eXtreme Scale server properties file. If the settings do not match, an exception occurs.


Overrides the retrieved session ID of an application. The default is to use the ID derived from the HttpSession.getId() method. Enables eXtreme Scale client HTTP Sessions to override the unique session ID of an application so that all applications are retrieved with the same ID. Set to the implementation of the interface. This interface determines the HttpSession ID based on the HttpServletRequest object.


Specifies the IBM® WebSphere trace specification as a string value. Use this setting for application servers other than WebSphere Application Server.


Specifies the trace file location as a string value. Use this setting for application servers other than WebSphere Application Server.

A string value of either true or false. The default is false. Set to true if you want to enable URL rewriting. The default value is false, which indicates that cookies are used to store session data. The value of this parameter must be the same as the web container settings for session management.

A string value of either true or false. Set to true if the underlying web container will reuse session ID's across requests to different hosts. The default is false. The value of this should be the same as what is set in the web container.