[.net programming language only]

Example: Implementing a user credential generator for .NET applications

You can use this example to write your own implementation of the ICredentialGenerator interface. The interface takes a user ID and a password. The UserPasswordCredential object contains the user ID and password, which is obtained from the read-only Credential property.


// Module  :  UserPasswordCredientialGenerator.cs
// Source File Description: Reference Documentation
using System;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using IBM.WebSphere.Caching.Security;
using com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.security.plugins.builtins;

namespace IBM.WebSphere.Caching.Security
    public class UserPasswordCredentialGenerator : ICredentialGenerator

        private String ivUser;

        private String ivPwd;

        public ICredential Credential { get { return _getCredential(); } }

        public string Properties { set {_setProperties(value);} }

        public UserPasswordCredentialGenerator()
            ivUser = null;
            ivPwd = null;

        public UserPasswordCredentialGenerator(String user=null, String pwd=null)
            ivUser = user;
            ivPwd = pwd;

        /// <summary>Creates a new UserPasswordCredential object using this object's user name and password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>new UserPasswordCredential instance</returns>
        private ICredential _getCredential()
                ICredential MyCredential = new UserPasswordCredential(ivUser, ivPwd) as ICredential;
                return (ICredential) MyCredential;
            catch (Exception e)
                AuthenticationException CannotGenerateCredentialException = new AuthenticationException(e.ToString());
                throw CannotGenerateCredentialException;

        /// <summary>Gets the password for this credential generator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the password argument that was passed to the constructor</returns>
        public String getPassword()
            return ivPwd;

        /// <summary>Gets the user name for this credential.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the user argument that was passed to the constructor of this class</returns>
        public String getUserName()
            return ivUser;

        /// <summary>Sets additional properties namely a user name and password.
        ///Throws ArgumentException if the format is not valid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">properties a properties string  with a user name and a password separated by a blank.</param>
        private void _setProperties(string properties)
            String token = properties;
            char[] Seperator = { ' ' };
            String[] StringProperty = properties.Split(Seperator);
            if (StringProperty.Length != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "The properties should have a user name and password and separated by a space.");

            ivUser = StringProperty[0];
            ivPwd = StringProperty[1];

        /// <summary>Checks two UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects for equality.
        ///Two UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects are equal if and only if 
        ///their user names and passwords are equal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">the object we are testing for equality with this object.</param>
        /// <returns><code>true</code> if both UserPasswordCredentialGenerator objects are equivalent</returns>
        public override bool Equals(Object obj)
            if (obj == this)
                return true;

            if (obj != null && obj is UserPasswordCredentialGenerator)
                UserPasswordCredentialGenerator other = (UserPasswordCredentialGenerator)obj;

                Boolean bothUserNull = false;
                Boolean bothPwdNull = false;

                if (ivUser == null)
                    if (other.ivUser == null)
                        bothUserNull = true;
                        return false;

                if (ivPwd == null)
                    if (other.ivPwd == null)
                        bothPwdNull = true;
                        return false;
                return (bothUserNull || ivUser.Equals(other.ivUser)) && (bothPwdNull || ivPwd.Equals(other.ivPwd));
            return false;

        /// <summary>Returns the hashcode of the UserPasswordCredentialGenerator object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the hash code of this object</returns>
        public override int GetHashCode()
           return ivUser.GetHashCode() + ivPwd.GetHashCode();

