[Java programming language only]

InverseRangeIndex plug-in attributes

[Version 8.6 and later]You can use the following attributes to configure the InverseRangeIndex plug-in. These attributes define properties on how the index is built.


Specifies the name of the index. The name must be unique for each map. The name is used to retrieve the index object from the object map instance for the backing map.
Specifies the prefix for attribute names to be read from the indexing key. If the prefix is set, the indexing logic checks the attribute names that are prefixed with this value and use dot as path separator. This attribute is optional and the default value for this attribute is "key". All attribute names which do not have this prefix are treated as value attributes. The property is not applicable when using serializer.
Note: AddressableKeyName property is only applicable for indexing key attribute names and cannot be used as a search key attribute.
Comma-delimited values of attribute names to be included in the query for the inverse range index. The syntax for AttributeName can consist of:
  • one or more non-range attributes and one or more simple range attributes;
  • one or more non-range attributes and only one multi-range attribute.
Therefore, the syntax for AttributeName is:
attribute_name_string ::= ({non_range_attribute}, {simple_range_attribute}) 
| ({non_range_attribute}, multi_range_attribute) 

non_range_attribute ::= (search_attribute_name, "[", index_attribute_name, "]") 
| (index_attribute_name);

simple_range_attribute ::= search_attribute_name "
[" low_index_attribute_name "," high_index_attribute_name "]";

multi_range_attribute ::= [search_attribute_list_name]
"[[" index_attribute_list_name "]]";
There are three types of attributes:
  • non_range_attribute

    A non-range attribute. The syntax is composed of an optional search key name and a required indexing key name.

    Use the search_attribute_name to search for the attribute name in an inverse range search key. When this attribute is not specified, the index_attribute_name attribute is used. The index_attribute_name attribute is required and specifies a non-range attribute as part of the inverse range index key. The following example shows a non-range attribute for the following definition of InverseRangeIndex:
    <backingMapPluginCollection id="productData">
    	<bean id="MapIndexPlugin" 
    		<property name="Name" type="java.lang.String" 
    		  value="InverseRangeIndex"description="inverse range index"/>
    		<property name="AddressableKeyName" 
         description="attribute name for range values"/> 
    		<property name="AttributeName" type="java.lang.String" 
         value="productName KeyAttribute.productName],promotionDate 
    		  description="attribute name for inverse range index"/>
    • productName, condition, and country are non-range attributes looked up in the key and the same names are used for the index search key.
    • startPromotionDate and endPromotionDate are read from the key and treated as one simple range attribute. promotionDate are read from the search key for findAll(Object searchKey) operation.
    • minRAM and maxRAM are read from the key and treated as one simple range attribute. RAM are read from the search key for findAll(Object searchKey) operation.
  • simple_range_attribute

    Contains boundary values for a range. The syntax is composed of a required search key name and required indexing key names. Use the search_attribute_name attribute to search for the attribute name in an inverse range search key. The low_index_attribute_name attribute specifies a low boundary value and the corresponding high_index_attribute_name attribute specifies a high boundary value. The index keys are both required and used as part of the inverse range index key.

  • multi_range_attribute

    An array or list of range attributes in which each element occurs again in an array or list with two boundary values.

    The syntax is composed of an optional search key name and required indexing key names. Use the search_attribute_list_names attribute to search for an attribute name in a list or an array as part of an inverse range search key. When this attribute is not specified, the index_attribute_list_name is used. This attribute is required and must be used as part of the inverse range index key. Each element in the list or array must occur again in the list or array with two values. The two values are the low and high boundary values for a range.

    The following example shows a multi-range attribute for InverseRangeIndex:

    <backingMapPluginCollection id="productData">
    		<bean id="MapIndexPlugin" 
    			<property name="Name" type="java.lang.String" 
    			description="inverse range index "/>
    			<property name="AttributeName" type="java.lang.String" 
    			value="key.identifier,rangeValues [[key.rangeValues]]"
    			description="attribute name for inverse range index" />
Used for non-entity maps. If true, the object is accessed using the fields directly. If not specified or false, the getter method for the attribute is used to access the data.