[Java programming language only]

DynamicIndexCallback interface

The DynamicIndexCallback interface is designed for applications that want to get notifications at the indexing events of ready, error, or destroy. The DynamicIndexCallback is an optional parameter for the createDynamicIndex method of the BackingMap. With a registered DynamicIndexCallback instance, applications can run business logic upon receiving notification of an indexing event.

Indexing events

For example, the ready event means that the index is ready for use. When a notification for this event is received, an application can try to retrieve and use the application index interface instance.

Example: Using the DynamicIndexCallback interface

BackingMap personBackingMap = ivObjectGrid.getMap("person");
    DynamicIndexCallback callback = new DynamicIndexCallbackImpl();
    personBackingMap.createDynamicIndex("CODE", true, "employeeCode", callback);

    class DynamicIndexCallbackImpl implements DynamicIndexCallback {
        public DynamicIndexCallbackImpl() {

        public void ready(String indexName) {
            System.out.println("DynamicIndexCallbackImpl.ready() -> indexName = " + indexName);

            // Simulate what an application would do when notified that the index is ready.
            // Normally, the application would wait until the ready state is reached and then proceed
            // with any index usage logic.
            if("CODE".equals(indexName)) {
                ObjectGridManager ogManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
                ObjectGrid og = ogManager.createObjectGrid( "grid" );
                Session session = og.getSession();
                ObjectMap map = session.getMap("person");
                MapIndex codeIndex = (MapIndex) map.getIndex("CODE");
                Iterator iter = codeIndex.findAll(codeValue);
		// Close the session (optional in Version 7.1.1 and later) for improved performance

        public void error(String indexName, Throwable t) {
            System.out.println("DynamicIndexCallbackImpl.error() -> indexName = " + indexName);

        public void destroy(String indexName) {
            System.out.println("DynamicIndexCallbackImpl.destroy() -> indexName = " + indexName);