Transaction processing in Java EE applications

[Java programming language only]WebSphere® eXtreme Scale provides its own resource adapter that you can use to connect applications to the data grid and process local transactions.

Through support from the eXtreme Scale resource adapter, Java™ Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) applications can look up eXtreme Scale client connections and demarcate local transactions using Java EE local transactions or using the eXtreme Scale APIs. When the resource adapter is configured, you can complete the following actions with your Java EE applications:

  • Look up or inject eXtreme Scale resource adapter connection factories within a Java EE application component.
  • Obtain standard connection handles to the eXtreme Scale client and share them between application components using Java EE conventions.
  • Demarcate eXtreme Scale transactions using either the javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction API or the interface.
  • Use the entire eXtreme Scale client API, such as the ObjectMap API and EntityManager API.
    Deprecated featureDeprecated: The EntityManager function is deprecated.

The following additional capabilities are available with WebSphere Application Server:

  • Enlist eXtreme Scale connections with a global transaction as a last participant with other two-phase commit resources. The eXtreme Scale resource adapter provides local transaction support, with a single-phase commit resource. With WebSphere Application Server, your applications can enlist one, single-phase commit resource into a global transaction through last participant support.
  • Automatic resource adapter installation when the profile is augmented.
  • Automatic security principal propagation.

Administrator responsibilities

The eXtreme Scale resource adapter is installed into the Java EE application server or embedded with the application. After you install the resource adapter, the administrator creates one or more resource adapter connection factories for each catalog service domain and optionally each data grid instance. The connection factory identifies the properties that are required to communicate with the data grid.

Applications reference the connection factory, which establishes the connection to the remote data grid. Each connection factory hosts a single eXtreme Scale client connection that is reused for all application components.
Important: Because the eXtreme Scale client connection might include a near cache, applications must not share a connection. A connection factory must exist for a single application instance to avoid problems sharing objects between applications.

The connection factory hosts an eXtreme Scale client connection, which is shared between all referencing application components. You can use a managed bean (MBean) to access information about the client connection or to reset the connection when it is no longer needed.

Application developer responsibilities

An application developer creates resource references for managed connection factories in the application deployment descriptor or with annotations. Each resource reference includes a local reference for the eXtreme Scale connection factory, as well as the resource-sharing scope.
Important: Enabling resource sharing is important because it allows the local transaction to be shared between application components.

Applications can inject the connection factory into the Java EE application component, or it can look up the connection factory using Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI). The connection factory is used to obtain connection handles to the eXtreme Scale client connection. The eXtreme Scale client connection is managed independently from the resource adapter connection and is established on first use, and reused for all subsequent connections.

After finding the connection, the application retrieves an eXtreme Scale session reference. With the eXtreme Scale session reference, the application can use the entire eXtreme Scale client APIs and features.

You can demarcate transactions in one of the following ways:
  • Use the transaction demarcation methods.
  • Use the javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction local transaction.
  • Use a global transaction, when you use WebSphere Application Server with last participant support enabled. When you select this approach for demarcation, you must:
    • Use an application-managed global transaction with the javax.transaction.UserTransaction.
    • Use a container-managed transaction.

Application deployer responsibilities

The application deployer binds the local reference to the resource adapter connection factory that the application developer defines to the resource adapter connection factories that the administrator defines. The application deployer must assign the correct connection factory type and scope to the application and ensure that the connection factory is not shared between applications to avoid Java object sharing. The application deployer is also responsible for configuring and mapping other appropriate configuration information that is common to all connection factories.