suspend command

Use the suspend command to suspend component properties. This command counters the resume command.


  • To display the help for the specific command, run the following command:
    • [Unix]./ -h suspend
    • [Windows]xscmd.bat -h suspend
  • To display a list of the commands within the command group, run the following command:
    • [Unix]./ -lc PlacementService
    • [Windows]xscmd.bat -lc PlacementService
  • To display the general help, run the following command:
    • [Unix]./ -h
    • [Windows]xscmd.bat -h
  • To display a list of all of the commands, run the following command:
    • [Unix]./ -lc
    • [Windows]xscmd.bat -lc
  • To display a list of the command groups, run the following command:
    • [Unix]./ -lcg
    • [Windows]xscmd.bat -lcg


[-g <gridName>][-t <type>][-ms <mapSetName>][-i][-to <serverTimeout>][-cgc <className>][-ca <support>][-sp800 <type>][-sp <profileName>][-ks <filePath>][-ts <filepath>][-trf <filePath>][-prot <protocol>][-cxpv <provider>][-trs <traceSpec>][-al <alias>][-pwd <password>][-tsp <password>][-cep <endpoints>][-ksp <password>][-arc <integer>][-tt <type>][-tst <type>][-ssp <profileName>][-kst <type>][-cgp <property>][-user <username>][-fips]

Parameter description

[-al, --alias <alias>]
Specifies the alias name in the keystore.
[-arc, --authRetryCount <integer>]
Specifies the retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, then authentication retries do not occur.
[-cep, --catalogEndPoints <endpoints>]
Specifies one or more catalog service endpoints in the format <host>[:<listenerPort>][,<host>[:<listenerPort>]]. Default endpoint: localhost:2809
[-cgc, --credGenClass <className>]
Specifies the name of the class that implements the CredentialGenerator interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients.
[-cgp, --credgenprops <property>]
Specifies the properties for the CedentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method.
[-cxpv, --contextProvider <provider>]
Specifies the context provider. Examples: IBMJSSE2, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS.
[-fips, --fips140_2]
Enables the FIPS 140-2 TLS cryptography standard. You must configure the FIPS security provider to use this setting.
[-g, --gridName <objectGrid>]
Specifies the data grid name.
[-i, --includeInternalGrids]
Specifies to include internal data grids in the output.
[-ks, --keyStore <filePath>]
Specifies the absolute path to keystore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
[-ksp, --keyStorePassword <password>]
Specifies the password to the keystore.
[-kst, --keyStoreType <type>]
Specifies the type of keystore in use. Example: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
[-m, --map <mapName>]
Specifies the name of the map.
[-ms, --mapSet <mapSetName>]
Specifies the name of the map set.
[-tsp, --trustStorePassword <password>]
Specifies the truststore password.
[-tst, --trustStoreType <type>]
Specifies the truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
[-tt, --transportType <type>]
Specifies the transport layer security configuration type. Examples: TCP/IP, SSL-Supported, SSL-Required.
[-user, --username <username>]
Specifies the eXtreme Scale user name security credential.
[-ts, --trustStore <filepath>]
Specifies the absolute path to truststore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
[-trs, --traceSpec <traceSpec>]
Specifies the trace specification for xscmd command output.
[-trf, --traceFile <filePath>]
Specifies the absolute path to the generated trace file for xscmd command output.
[-to, --timeout <serverTimeout>]
Specifies the server connection timeout in seconds.
[-t, --type] <type>
Specifies the type of suspend. For example, placement, heartbeat, or failoverAll.

Specifying failoverAll suspends the catalog server response to communication issues with eXtreme Scale servers, where those servers are either container servers or catalog servers. If you specify failoverAll, then placement or catalog promotion are not done because of communication issues. However, if a server is started placement still occurs, unless you run the command, xscmd -c suspend -t placement.

[-sp800, --sp800_131 <type>]
Enables the SP800-131a TLS cryptography standard. Valid values are off, transition, strict.
[-ssp, --saveSecProfile <profileName>]
Specifies the save security parameter values in security profile.
[-sp, --secProfile <profileName>]
Specifies a profile name.
[-pwd, --password <password>]
Specifies the eXtreme Scale password security credential.
[-prot, --protocol <protocol>]
Specifies the security protocol in use. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
Note: Setting FIPS 140-2 TLS encryption with TLS version 1.2 is not supported at this time.