showLinkedPrimaries command

Use the showLinkedPrimaries command to display the primary shards and all their foreign or domestic linked primary shards.



[-g <gridName>][-ms <mapSetName>][-hc][-to <serverTimeout>][-cgc <className>][-ca <support>][-sp800 <type>][-sp <profileName>][-ks <filePath>][-ts <filepath>][-trf <filePath>][-prot <protocol>][-cxpv <provider>][-trs <traceSpec>][-al <alias>][-pwd <password>][-tsp <password>][-cep <endpoints>][-ksp <password>][-arc <integer>][-tt <type>][-tst <type>][-ssp <profileName>][-kst <type>][-cgp <property>][-user <username>][-fips][-z <zonename>][-ct <container>][-hf <hostFilter>][-p <partitionID>][-s <serverName>][-st <shardType>]


[-al, --alias <alias>]
Specifies the alias name in the keystore.
[-arc, --authRetryCount <integer>]
Specifies the retry count for authentication if the credential is expired. If the value is set to 0, then authentication retries do not occur.
[-ca, --credAuth <support>]
Sets the client credential authentication support [Never, Supported, Required].
[-cep, --catalogEndPoints <endpoints>]
Specifies one or more catalog service endpoints in the format <host>[:<listenerPort>][,<host>[:<listenerPort>]]. Default endpoint: localhost:2809
[-cgc, --credGenClass <className>]
Specifies the name of the class that implements the CredentialGenerator interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients.
[-cgp, --credgenprops <property>]
Specifies the properties for the CedentialGenerator implementation class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String) method.
[-ct, --container <container>]
Specifies the container server name. ND-hosted format: <cellName>/<nodeName>/<serverName_containerSuffix>
[-cxpv, --contextProvider <provider>]
Specifies the context provider. Examples: IBMJSSE2, IBMJSSE, IBMJSSEFIPS.
[-fips, --fips140_2]
Enables the FIPS 140-2 TLS cryptography standard. You must configure the FIPS security provider to use this setting.
[-g, --gridName <objectGrid>]
Specifies the data grid name.
[-hc, --linkHealthCheck
Specifies that primary shards with the incorrect foreign primary links should be checked.
[-hf, --hostFilter <hostFilter>
Specifies the host name.
[-ks, --keyStore <filePath>]
Specifies the absolute path to keystore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
[-ksp, --keyStorePassword <password>]
Specifies the password to the keystore.
[-kst, --keyStoreType <type>]
Specifies the type of keystore in use. Example: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
[-ms, --mapSet <mapSetName>]
Specifies the name of the map set.
[-p,--partitionID <partitionID>]
Specifies the partition ID.
[-prot, --protocol <protocol>]
Specifies the security protocol in use. Examples: SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
Note: Setting FIPS 140-2 TLS encryption with TLS version 1.2 is not supported at this time.
[-pwd, --password <password>]
Specifies the eXtreme Scale password security credential.
[-s, --server <serverName>]
Specifies the server name.
[-sp, --secProfile <profileName>]
Specifies a profile name.
[-sp800, --sp800_131 <type>]
Enables the SP800-131a TLS cryptography standard. Valid values are off, transition, strict.
[-ssp, --saveSecProfile <profileName>]
Specifies the save security parameter values in security profile.
[-st,--shardType <shardType>
Specifies the shard type. Shard types include: P=primary, A=asyncReplica, S=synchReplica
[-to, --timeout <serverTimeout>]
Specifies the server connection timeout in seconds.
[-trf, --traceFile <filePath>]
Specifies the absolute path to the generated trace file for xscmd command output.
[-trs, --traceSpec <traceSpec>]
Specifies the trace specification for xscmd command output.
[-ts, --trustStore <filepath>]
Specifies the absolute path to truststore. Example: /etc/test/security/server.public
[-tsp, --trustStorePassword <password>]
Specifies the truststore password.
[-tst, --trustStoreType <type>]
Specifies the truststore type. Examples: JKS, JCEK, PKCS12.
[-tt, --transportType <type>]
Specifies the transport layer security configuration type. Examples: TCP/IP, SSL-Supported, SSL-Required.
[-user, --username <username>]
Specifies the eXtreme Scale user name security credential.
[-z, --zone] <zoneName>
Specifies the zone name.