Remote journaling and the CDC Replication Engine for DB2 for i

You can configure the CDC Replication Engine for DB2® for i to replicate data from a remote journal

Remote journaling is a System i® feature that copies local journal entries to another system. Identical journal entries and receivers are added to another server. You can install and set up CDC Replication to support data replication from a remote journal. Setting up data replication for remote journaling improves system performance as replication jobs are running on another server and do not impact your production environment. When you install and set up CDC Replication to replicate from a remote journal, CDC Replication scrapes entries from the remote journal and applies the changes to any target system where CDC Replication is installed.

In a typical replication scenario where CDC Replication has been installed to replicate data from a local journal, you need to allocate at least a source system (your production database) and a target system that runs on any database platform supported by CDC Replication. The source system is required so that CDC Replication can run SCRAPE, MIRROR, and REFRESH jobs. The target system is required so that any CDC Replication product you have installed can receive the data and run APPLY jobs.

In a replication scenario where CDC Replication has been set up to replicate data from a remote journal, you need to install CDC Replication on the system where your local and remote journals reside. Also, you must install any CDC Replication product on any target database platform that can receive and apply data sent by CDC Replication.

The following image illustrates where CDC Replication replication jobs run when replicating from a remote journal.

A graphical depiction of where the CDC Replication jobs run when replication from a remote journal.

The IBM® i production machine where your source files, local journal objects and receivers reside is called the Data Origin Server and refer to the system where your remote journals reside as the Source Server.

You must install CDC Replication on the Data Origin Server system when setting up replication from a remote journal. When you start the subsystem and the listener, CDC Replication only runs occasionally used service jobs and does not run replication jobs. When you install CDC Replication on the Data Origin Server, you must install CDC Replication in the same product library on the Source Server.

Note: After installing InfoSphere® CDC on the Data Origin Server, you must start the subsystem and the listener.