Error report message

The Q Capture program sends an error report message when it cannot perform the request of a user application that was made through a control message.

For example, the Q Capture program sends an error report message if it cannot activate or deactivate a publication or acknowledge a load done message. The Q Capture program also writes these errors to its log. If the Q Capture program cannot send an error report message because the send queue is not available, it will still write the error to its log. Error report messages are not generated by errors related to IBM® MQ.

In an error report message, the message element (msg) contains an error report element (errorRpt).

Table 1 describes the errorRpt element.

Table 1. Element description for errorRpt
Name Properties
errorRpt Empty, complex type


<errorRpt subName="publication_name" srcOwner="source_owner"
       srcName="source_name" errorMsg="message_text"/>


The name of the publication that generated an error. XML data type: string.
The schema of the source table for the publication. XML data type: string.
The name of the source table. XML data type: string.
The text of the error message. XML data type: string.


The following example shows an error report message generated after the Q Capture program was unable to activate a publication

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<msg xmlns:xsi=""
      xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="mqcap.xsd" version="1.0.0"

        <errorRpt subName="S1" srcOwner="USER1" srcName="T1"


Where message_text is the text of the error message.