This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Enabling MTOM support in JAX-WS bindings

IBM Integration Designer (IID) provides configuration options to enable JAX-WS bindings to send and receive web service messages which include SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) attachments. This mechanism improves the transmission efficiency of large binary attachments in SOAP messages.

Before you begin

Before configuring a JAX-WS import or export binding to enable MTOM support, note that not all scenarios are supported:
  • MTOM is not supported when the business object parsing mode is set to eager parsing (support is limited to a JAX-WS web service using business object lazy parsing mode).
  • MTOM is not supported when using a JAX-WS handler (support is limited to a JAX-WS web service which does not use any JAX-WS handlers). The JAX-WS handlers specified on the web service should be removed.
  • When using a service gateway mediation module, the Data Handler primitive cannot be used with MTOM messages. If direct access to the MTOM attachment data is required within the module, then a non-service gateway module must be used.
  • When MTOM is enabled on a JAX-WS export binding, all responses will be sent using MTOM. If some clients do not support MTOM, use two JAX-WS exports - one with MTOM enabled and one with it disabled and ensure client applications use the correct endpoint address.
  • MTOM is not supported when using the JAX-RPC binding for SOAP/HTTP or SOAP/JMS.

About this task

SOAP messages that use the MTOM specification can be sent and received by enabling support in IBM Integration Developer using JAX-WS import and export binding properties.


  1. In IBM Integration Developer, using the Properties for the export or import, click the Binding tab and select the MTOM check box. This will enable the optimization of the transmission of binary data in the SOAP attachment.
  2. Optionally, you can provide an integer value greater than or equal to zero in the Threshold field to indicate the minimum size of binary data to be sent using MTOM. When sending requests from an import or responses from an export, any binary data whose length is greater than or equal to this value will be sent using MTOM. Binary data whose length is less than this value is inlined in the XML document. A value of zero indicates that all binary elements should be sent using MTOM. Note that this value is a hint to the runtime and under some circumstances the value may not apply. For example, where a binary element is received as an attachment from a client using a lower threshold value, the element may remain as an attachment and may not be moved inline into the XML document.