Fail mediation primitive properties

You can specify values for mediation primitive properties either by using the property fields in the IBM® Integration Designer user interface or by using an XML format. The property field names displayed in IBM Integration Designer are generally different from the property names used when building a mediation flow using XML code. In the following information, icons are used to identify each property name used in IBM Integration Designer and the corresponding XML name. (Where applicable, XML names that are required, but not shown in IBM Integration Designer, are also described.)

Error message errorMessage

An optional, user-supplied, error message. The Error message value is added to the FailFlowException generated by the Fail mediation primitive. Inserts {0} to {5} can be included in the Error message. When the Error message is added to the generated FailFlowException, the inserts will be replaced by the information as specified in the following table.

Element Item Description
{0} Time Stamp The UTC timestamp, indicating when the Fail primitive was invoked.
{1} Message ID The message ID, from the SMO.
{2} Mediation Name The name of the Fail mediation primitive instance that generated the FailFlowException.
{3} Module Name The name of the mediation module instance that contains the Fail primitive.
{4} Message The SMO, or part of the SMO a specified by the Root property XPath.
{5} Version The version of the SMO.
Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values String
Default {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}

Root path path

An XPath 1.0 expression representing the scope of the message to be inserted into the Error message at insert {4}. You can specify your own XPath expression. The default value is the SMO failInfo data at /context/failInfo. If you specify your own XPath expression, the part of the (SMO) you specify is inserted. The message to be logged is converted to XML from the point specified by Root.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values XPath
Default /context/failInfo

Sample XML code

<node name="Fail1" type="Fail">
  <property name="errorMessage" value="Message processing exception occurred"/>