Database Lookup mediation primitive properties

You can specify values for mediation primitive properties either by using the property fields in the IBM® Integration Designer user interface or by using an XML format. The property field names displayed in IBM Integration Designer are generally different from the property names used when building a mediation flow using XML code. In the following information, icons are used to identify each property name used in IBM Integration Designer and the corresponding XML name. (Where applicable, XML names that are required, but not shown in IBM Integration Designer, are also described.)

Data source dataSourceJNDIName

The JNDI name of the datasource.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values String

Table tableName

The name of the database table, including the schema name; for example, myschema.mytable.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values String

Search column keyColumnName

The name of the database's primary key column. The specified Search column must contain a unique value; multi-column database keys are not supported. In addition, the unique value must be of the same element type as the value located in the message using the Search location.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values String

Search location keyPath

Where, in the input message, to find the database key. Specified as an XPath 1.0 expression; the value returned from the XPath expression is used as the key into the database.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values XPath

Validate input validateInput

If you select the check box, the input message is validated before the mediation is performed.

Field detail Value and notes
Required Yes
Valid values Boolean
Default false

Data Elements dataElements

Field detail Value and notes
Column valueColumnName
The name of the database column from which to copy information. The valid type is String.
Type messageValueType
The information type: the only supported String types are a simple XML schema type, or an XML schema type that extends a simple XML schema type. At run time, the value obtained from the database is converted to the type defined by the Type property.

Java primitive types or string are supported only for compatibility with old mediation flows.

Target location messageElement
Where, in the message, to store the information obtained from the database. The valid type is String. Specified as an XPath 1.0 expression describing the location of a message element. The XPath expression must evaluate to a single element in the message.


Consider the following when using the Database Lookup mediation primitive:

  • You must set up a database, datasource and any server authentication settings for the Database Lookup mediation primitive to use. You can do this using the runtime administrative console.
  • The list of supported databases is provided on the systems requirements web page for the runtime product.
  • The Database Lookup mediation primitive can read only from one table.
  • You can route a message to the same location whether or not the key is found in the database. To do this you wire both the out terminal and the keyNotFound terminal to the same output location.

Sample XML code

<node name="DatabaseLookup1" type="DatabaseLookup">
  <property name="dataSourceJNDIName" value="jdbc/datasource"/>
  <property name="tableName" value="myTable"/>
  <property name="keyColumnName" value="searchColumn"/>
  <property name="keyPath" value="searchLocation"/>
  <table name="dataElements">
      <property name="valueColumnName" value="nameColumn"/>
      <property name="messageValueType" value="{}String"/>
      <property name="messageElement" value="body/myRequestMsg/person/name"/>
    <wire targetNode="SetMessageType"/>
  <outputTerminal name="keyNotFound"/>