Message Validator mediation primitive

Use the Message Validator mediation primitive to validate some, or all, parts of a message.


You can use the Message Validator mediation primitive to validate messages.

The Message Validator mediation primitive has one input terminal (in), one output terminal (out), and one fail terminal (fail). The in terminal is wired to accept a message and the other terminals are wired to propagate a message. At run time, if no validation exception occurs during the processing of the input message, the out terminal propagates the validated message. If a validation exception occurs, the fail terminal is fired, and stores the exception information in the FailInfo element of the service message object (SMO).


After you create your mediation flow, and configure your mediation primitives, you can insert the Message Validator mediation primitive into the flow to validate some, or all, parts of the message.

The Message Validator mediation primitive validates the message and also validates any weakly-typed message fields that have been set to strongly-typed message fields earlier in the mediation flow. You can set weakly-typed message fields to strongly-typed message fields using the Set Message Type primitive or the Type Filter primitive. Alternatively, you can use the input node to set the weakly-typed fields in the correlation, transient, or shared context.


You can use the Message Validator mediation primitive whenever you want to validate incoming messages. The validation includes checking that any weakly-typed message fields that have been set to strongly-typed message fields, are of the specified strong type.