Fan Out mediation primitive

Use the Fan Out mediation primitive to create different messages from a repeating element in the input message. Also, use the Fan Out mediation primitive, together with the Fan In mediation primitive, to aggregate (combine) service responses.


You can use the Fan Out mediation primitive to iterate through an input message that contains a repeating element, and store each instance of the repeating element in the service message object (SMO) context. The Fan Out mediation primitive does not change the body of the input message.

The Fan Out mediation primitive has the following modes:
  • Default mode sends the entire input message once.
  • Iterate mode lets you iterate through a single input message that contains a repeating element. Every occurrence in the repeating element, which you specify using an XPath, is processed.

The Fan Out mediation primitive has one input terminal (in), two output terminals (out and noOccurrences), and a fail terminal (fail). The in terminal is wired to accept a message and the other terminals are wired to propagate a message.

If an exception occurs during the processing of the input message, the fail terminal propagates the input message, together with any exception information.

In default mode, the out terminal is used to propagate the input message and the terminal is fired only once. In iterate mode, the out terminal is also used to propagate the input message, but the terminal is fired once for each occurrence of the repeating element. Each time the terminal is fired the value of the current element is placed in the FanOutContext. The noOccurrences terminal is only used in iterate mode, and is used if the input message does not contain any occurrences in the repeating element.


When in iterate mode the out terminal is fired once for each occurrence of the repeating element that you specify, using an XPath expression. Each occurrence of the repeating element is stored in a FanOutContext field.

If you use a Fan Out mediation primitive followed by a Fan In mediation primitive, you can aggregate the responses from two or more service invocations; the group of mediation primitives that occur between a Fan Out and a Fan In is called an aggregation block. If an aggregation block contains Service Invoke mediation primitives on multiple branches, and the Service Invoke primitives are configured for asynchronous invocation, the service calls are processed in parallel. The parallel processing occurs in the following way: there is only one thread, but that thread makes all the service calls and then checks for the responses. You can configure when the responses are checked, using the Batch Count property.


You can use the Fan Out and Fan In mediation primitives to aggregate the responses from two service invocations into one output message. For example, you could retrieve a customer credit score from two credit agencies, then average the two scores.

The shared context area of the SMO is for storing aggregation data between a Fan Out primitive and a Fan In primitive. The shared context is a thread-based storage area that is shared in the same thread. The content of the shared context business object does not persist across a request flow and a response flow, through callout invocation. Whatever data is in the shared context of the request flow cannot be reused during the response flow. Therefore, you can only aggregate in a particular flow: a Fan In mediation primitive in a response flow cannot be used to aggregate messages from a Fan Out mediation primitive in a request flow.

Like the transient and correlation context, the shared context is defined as a user-provided business object on the input node of the mediation flow. After you have defined the shared context you can use it to store data during aggregation operations. You need to design the shared context business object carefully, to ensure it is suitable for all aggregation scenarios in a specific flow.

The Fan In primitive allows for the aggregation of data that results from the use of a Fan Out primitive. You can aggregate data by processing the shared context, using transformations or mappings in other mediation primitives.

Fan Out can be used on its own, or with the Fan In mediation primitive. After a Fan In primitive has been associated with a Fan Out primitive, its properties appear with the properties of the Fan Out primitive.
Note: The Fan In mediation primitive cannot be used without the Fan Out mediation primitive.

Example of data aggregation

The following example shows two service calls being made and their responses being stored in the shared context. The shared context is then used to create a final message. The Fan Out mediation primitive is used in the default mode, and the Fan In mediation primitive has a Count property of 2. This is a simplified example, and does not show all the terminal wiring.
Figure 1. Figure 1. Aggregating data using Fan Out, Mapping, Service Invoke and Fan In mediation primitives. In this case the Mapping primitives have all been configured to use the XSLT engine. The Fan Out mediation primitive is wired to two Mapping mediation primitives. Each Mapping mediation primitive is wired to a different Service Invoke mediation primitive, which calls a service. The Service Invoke mediation primitives are wired to different Mapping mediation primitives, and these are both wired to one Fan In mediation primitive. The Fan In waits until both service invocations have been completed before firing a final Mapping mediation primitive.
The figure shows how you can aggregate data using a Fan Out mediation primitive and a Fan In mediation primitive.
  1. FanOut1 fires the input terminal of XSLT1.
  2. XSLT1 creates the appropriate request message for Service A, and fires the input terminal of ServiceInvoke1.
  3. ServiceInvoke1 calls Service A, and fires the input terminal of XSLT3.
  4. XSLT3 maps the response from Service A into the shared context and fires the input terminal of FanIn1, for the first time.
  5. Because the FanIn1 count value has not been reached the mediation flow tracks back to the flow path split, at FanOut1.
  6. FanOut1 fires the input terminal of XSLT2.
  7. XSLT2 creates the appropriate request message for Service B, and fires the input terminal of ServiceInvoke2.
  8. ServiceInvoke2 calls Service B, and fires the input terminal of XSLT4.
  9. XSLT4 maps the response from Service B into the shared context and fires the input terminal of FanIn1 for the second time.
  10. The FanIn1 decision point is now met (the count value has been reached). Therefore, the FanIn1 primitive fires the input terminal of XSLT5.
  11. XSLT5 uses the shared context to create a new message body in the SMO.