This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Setting human task preferences

You can set warnings, change the people directory, and modify assignment criteria settings.

About this task

The following options establish warning levels when you set up a human task:
  • Show the Task Description Properties Change window- Shows a warning window when changing the check box Use display name, description, and documentation from the corresponding business process activity on the description properties page of an inline invocation to-do task.
    • When you clear this check box, no warning window is displayed. You must be using V7.0.0.3 or later for both IBM® Integration Designer and IBM Process Server. If you are using an earlier version, you must ensure the check box is selected.
    • Enabling the setting of the display name, description, and documentation properties of an inline invocation task or inline to-do task causes errors with versions before V7.0.0.3 of IBM Integration Designer and IBM Process Server.
  • Show People Directory Change warning window - Shows a warning window when changing the people directory on the details properties page of a human task.
    • When you clear this check box, no warning window is displayed when the people directory value on the human task details properties page is changed.
    • Changing the people directory on the details property page of a human task may invalidate the current people assignment criteria.
  • Show Expected Task State Change warning window - Shows a warning window when changing the expected task state on the details properties page of an escalation in an escalation chain.
    • When you clear this check box, no warning window is displayed when the expected task state value on the escalation details properties page in an escalation chain is changed.
    • If an escalation is part of an escalation chain, changing the expected task state affects all of the escalations in the chain.

To change the people directory and modify assignment criteria settings, complete the following steps:


  1. From the main menu, select Window > Preferences. The Preferences window opens.
  2. Expand Business Integration and expand Human Task Editor. If you do not see the Human Task editor in the Business Integration preferences, complete the following steps:
    1. Expand Workbench and select Capabilities.
    2. Select Integration Designer and then click Apply. The business integration tools are enabled.
    3. Click OK. The Preferences window closes. If you open the Preferences window again, you see that Business Integration is displayed.
  3. To see the people directory settings that you can modify, click People Directory. You can select a people directory to be the default for new human tasks. You can also add a new entry, and edit or delete an existing entry.
  4. Optional: Add a new people directory.
    1. Click Add. The Add People Directory window opens.
    2. Enter a unique name for the new people directory.
    3. Enter the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name for the people directory. This entry associates the JNDI name with the name that you provided in thePeople Directory field. At run time, the JNDI name identifies which staff resolution code to use.
    4. Select the people assignment criteria that are associated with this people directory.

      For each choice, there are predefined criteria.When you specify people to work on a task, the assignment criteria that you are presented with are determined by this selection. For example, if you select LDAP as the people directory for your human task, when you assign people to that task you are presented with the LDAP-specific assignment criteria.

      You can choose your own people assignment criteria (XML file) by selecting the last radio button in the people assignment criteria list, and clicking Browse.

  5. Optional: Edit a people directory.
    1. Click Edit. The Edit People Directory window opens.
    2. Optional: Modify the name of the people directory. You must provide a meaningful name because this entry is used elsewhere to refer to this people directory.
    3. Optional: Modify the JNDI name for the people directory. This entry creates an association between the JNDI name and the name that you provided in the People directory field. At run time, the JNDI name identifies which staff resolution code to use.
    4. Select the people assignment criteria that are associated with this people directory.

      For each choice, there are predefined criteria. When you are specifying people to work on a task, the assignment criteria that you are presented with are determined by this selection. For example, if you select LDAP as the people directory for your human task, when you assign people to that task you are presented with the LDAP-specific assignment criteria.

      You can choose your own people assignment criteria (XML file) by selecting the last radio button in the people assignment criteria list, , and clicking Browse.

  6. Click Apply and then click OK.