This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Task instances

A task instance is a runtime occurrence of a task template.

Generally, a task instance inherits all of its properties from the corresponding task template with the following exceptions:
Column name in TASK_TEMPL view Inherited by task instance Comments
VALID_FROM No Not needed by the task instance.
CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID No Task instances are deleted according to a different set of rules than their corresponding task templates.
IS_AD_HOC No Not needed by the task instance:
  • An ad hoc task template creates a task instance that is not ad hoc.
  • An ad hoc task instance does not have a task template.
IS_INLINE Usually The property is not inherited in the following situations:
  • A subtask instance cannot be inline, even if its template is defined as inline.
  • A follow-on task instance cannot be inline, even if its template is defined as inline.
  • A human task activity instance is always related to an inline task instance.
STATE No A task template must be in the STATE_STARTED state to create and start task instances. The instances are then in the STATE_READY state.

In addition, all of the custom properties of a task template (TASK_TEMPL_CPROP view) are inherited by the custom property instances of a task instance (TASK_CPROP view). The multilingual description of a task template (TASK_TEMPL_DESC view) has a row for each locale. A task instance (TASK_DESC view) inherits these rows.