To-do tasks and collaboration tasks with parallel ownership
Tasks with parallel ownership allow potential owners to work simultaneously on the task. A common example of parallel ownership is when a set of potential owners need to approve a to-do task in a BPEL process. Parallel ownership can be specified for to-do tasks and collaboration tasks.
When a task with parallel ownership is started, a subtask for each potential owner is created and started, and the parent task goes into the running state. The potential owners can be individuals or groups. If a subtask is created for a group, any member of this group can claim the task. The input message and all other relevant information for the parent task are copied to each subtask. The subtasks are always collaboration tasks.
After the subtasks are started they go into either the ready state or, if automatic claim is specified for the parent task and the potential owner has an individual work item, the claimed state. When the subtasks are created, the parent task goes into the waiting-for-subtask substate. The subtasks then go through the normal lifecycle of a collaboration task; the parent task remains in the waiting-for-subtask substate until all of its subtasks reach an end state. If the completion condition for the parent task becomes true, all of the subtasks, which are not yet in an end state, are terminated.
Because parent tasks do not have an owner, you cannot use the API operations, such as claim or cancelClaim on them. If the parent task is modeled so that its subtasks are claimed automatically, the subtasks are automatically assigned to each of the potential owners.
Authorization considerations
- The administrator of the task with parallel ownership becomes the administrator of each of the subtasks
- The person who starts the task with parallel ownership becomes the originator of each of the subtasks
- One potential owner
- All
- The readers, editors, originator, potential owners, and owner of the parent task become readers of the subtask and its escalations
- All or Administrator
- Administrators of the parent task become administrators of the subtask and its escalations
Completion conditions
- XPath-based completion condition
- This completion condition can exploit both the completion condition
functions and result construction functions. The condition is evaluated
before the subtasks are created and after each subtask enters the
finished, expired, terminated, or failed state. It must evaluate to
true for a task with parallel ownership to finish. For example, the completion condition for a task with parallel ownership that should finish when at least 50% of the subtask owners have provided their data might look similar to the following code snippet:
tel:getCountOfFinishedSubtasks() div tel:getCountOfSubtasks() > 0.5
- Calendar-based completion duration
- A duration that specifies when the task with parallel ownership should finish at the latest. The duration syntax is determined by the calendar that is specified for the task definition.
If one of the completion conditions applies, the task with parallel ownership finishes and the aggregated result for all of the subtasks is constructed. If subtasks exist that are not yet finished, they are automatically terminated.
Result construction
- part
- This attribute identifies the part in the output message that contains the location field that is to be used. This field must be omitted for message definitions that use the document literal wrapped binding style.
- location
- This attribute identifies the following fields:
- The field in the output message of each of the subtasks that is the source for result aggregation
- The field in the output message of the task with parallel ownership that is the target for the result of the aggregation
- condition
- This attribute specifies that the subtask field is relevant for result construction. The field is identified by the location attribute. If a subtask field is not relevant, it is ignored when the results are constructed.
- aggregationFunction
- This attribute defines how the values of the subtask fields are combined into one aggregated result. The fields are identified by the part, the location, and the condition attributes. The aggregated result is stored in the output message of the task with parallel ownership, in the field identified by the location attribute.
Example of a TEL definition of a task with parallel ownership
<tel:aggregate location="/reviewresult" function="tel:and()"/>
<tel:aggregate location="/reviewcomments"
In this example, result aggregation is specified for the reviewresult and reviewcomments fields in the output message. The location /reviewcomments specifies that the corresponding field in the output message of the subtask is used as the source for aggregation. The XPath indicator "/" denotes the root of the output message definition. The /reviewresult=true() condition specifies that a subtask is considered only if the value of the reviewresult field in its output message is set to true. The aggregation function specifies that the values of the qualifying output messages are concatenated into an aggregate String using the specified delimiter.