This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Human task clients

A human task client is a piece of software that provides an interactive link between a human task and the staff member assigned to work upon the task.

A human task client delivers task-related information to a staff member in the form of an interactive application. There are various types of client that you can generate for your human task:
  • IBM® Forms interface
  • HTML-Dojo page
  • Business Process Choreographer client
  • WebSphere® Portal portlet
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF) client

Clients can be defined for both inline and stand-alone human tasks. You can create one client for all the human tasks in a module, or you can create a separate client for each task. You can even provide multiple clients for the same task, if you want users in different roles to see different options for the task.

Clients are used to customize user interfaces for your human task. Two different clients may provide very similar user interfaces to the staff member, and the staff member does not need knowledge of what client is being employed in order to interact with the human task.
Note: Human task clients and user interfaces are not synonymous, although they are closely related.