IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

VALUE: Value of expression

Use the VALUE formula function in a situation, query, view filter or table view threshold to look for the partial or complete number or text in the data sample.

VALUE function Value of expression
Takes the sampled value of the attribute. When used with other functions, VALUE is evaluated before the others, acting as a filter to the other functions.
Numeric example
This formula looks through all CPU Utilization values. If one is over 50% the comparison is true.
VALUE(CPU Utilization)> 50
Text examples
The comparison is true if the system name is redwood.
VALUE(System Name) == redwood
This formula uses a wildcard to find log files that start with uppercase S, such as System and Security.
VALUE(Log Name) == S*
For text attributes only, you can use wildcards to enter partial values that will find everything that includes those characters provided that you append the text with an * asterisk. Use an * asterisk wildcard for any number of characters beginning at that position. Use a ? question mark wildcard for a single character at that position. The last character of the text must be an * asterisk. For example, enter Sa?e* to find Safe and Sale; and enter *System* to find AIX_System and UNIX_Systems. Be aware that only the == Equal operator is valid; all other operators will return invalid or unwanted results. For another example, db2*.exe* will find db2fmp.exe and db2systray.exe; and db2???.* will find db2fmp.exe but not db2systray.exe.
Hexadecimal numbers
When entering a hexadecimal value in a cell, prefix the number with zero and the letter “x”, as in 0x123ab for hex value 123ab.
For situations on multiple-row attribute groups, you can add a display item (in the Condition tab, click Advanced) to open an event for each row that meets the condition and not just the first one.
