Viewing image templates

On the Image Templates page, you can see the image templates that are available to launch and view their properties.

In IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack, each image template has a status that is associated with it. If the status is OK, then the image is ready to launch.

You can view image template properties such as the name, status, cloud, project, architecture, hypervisor, and description. If you have project owner authority, you can configure and modify the name, description, and project. However, you must to do this from the IBM Cloud Manager - Dashboard user interface. To view the properties of an image template, click the name of the image template.

If the list of image templates does not contain the image that you want, ensure that your filters are set correctly.

Launching an instance based on an image template

When launching an instance, minimal configuration options including name, project, and instance count are displayed. More options are configured by the administrator, so the options available to you depend on how the administrator has configured the image template.

  • Only the members of the selected project can see the instance after it has been launched.
  • If approvals are enabled, a launch does not complete until the request is approved by the administrator.
  • The expiration and approval policies for the instance depend on how the administrator has configured these policies for the project or cloud where the instance has been launched.
  • After an OpenStack PowerVM® instance is launched successfully, a new task is started on PowerVC to activate the instance. While the task is running, you might not be able to perform certain actions on the instance. After activation completes, the instance capabilities are restored.