Limitations for Container services (Docker) in IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack

Review the known issues and limitations that exist if you are using the Docker container services that are provided by IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack.

  • Container instance migration (of any kind) is not supported across hosts.
  • Container instances that are short lived (which exit quickly after scheduling) result in a deployment failure, as represented by OpenStack. These containers show up in "error" state in OpenStack as they exit, even before OpenStack services can acknowledge that the container was successfully created.
  • When using the Nova default (community) scheduler, it is recommended that you define host aggregates when you use mixed (KVM and Docker) compute hosts that are managed by the same controller in your cloud environment. When a cloud is deployed with the Platform Resource Scheduler (PRS), this is not needed.
  • Currently, only two container usage metrics are available: CPU and memory. Other metrics are not currently available.
  • Docker capabilities in IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack are provided through Nova and OpenStack integration. The Heat plug-in for Docker is not yet supported.