Installation fails with create_database_opscode-pgsql error in installation log

When you attempt to install IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on the deployment server the installation fails with a NONFATAL_ERROR during console and graphical user interface mode installs or with a nonzero return code during silent mode installs.


When you attempt to install IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on the deployment server the installation fails with a NONFATAL_ERROR during console and graphical user interface mode installations. During a silent mode installation, it fails with a nonzero return code. The /tmp/cmwo-installer.log contains the following entry:
Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[create_database_opscode-pgsql]


This error can occur when installing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on systems with physical memory that is greater than 64GB


To resolve the problem, complete the following steps:
  1. Uninstall IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack by running the following command, cmwo_uninstall. For more information about uninstalling IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack, see Uninstalling IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack from deployment server.
  2. Create the /etc/opscode directory by running the following command:
    # mkdir /etc/opscode
  3. Manually set the postgresql shared_buffer configuration by adding the following line to /etc/opscode/chef-server.rb:
    • The value of 12288MB is a variable. You can change this value. For more information about specifying an appropriate value, see Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server. Usually the value is set to 25% of available physical memory, but for systems that have large memory (over 64 GB), the size must be limited.
    • If you did not experience the installation issue that is described in this topic, or your system does not have over 64 GB physical memory, you do not need to perform this work around before installing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack.
  4. Try installing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack again. For more information, see Installing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack on Linux.