Enabling the Nova novnc service with SSL

To enable the Nova novnc service with SSL, configure the following options in your environment file.


  1. Update the following values in the environment file:
    • openstack.endpoints.compute-novnc.scheme: https
    • openstack.compute.ssl_only: true
    • openstack.compute.cert: /PATH/TO/server.crt
    • openstack.compute.key: /PATH/TO/server.key
    For example, the updated section of the environment file might look similar to the following example.
    'compute-novnc' => {
          'scheme' => 'https'
        'compute' => {
          'ssl_only' => true,
          'cert' => '/etc/ssl/certs/server.crt',
          'key' => '/etc/ssl/certs/server.key',
    Note: Follow note 1a in Customizing for a more secure cloud to obtain the certificates.
  2. When complete, return to the relevant topology deployment or update process and complete the remaining steps.
    Note: After a deployment (novnc with non-SSL), you can enable Nova novnc with SSL by repeating the preceding steps and updating the topology. For information about updating a deployed topology, see Updating a deployed topology.