Deploying a remote node fails

You attempt to deploy a remote compute node but the deployment fails.

About this task

When you try to deploy a remote compute node, you see the following error:
Deploy of node at fqdn_of_remote_compute_node failed: 
Ssh execution of command 'bash -c '; exists() {; if command -v $1 ... }; EOP; 
chef-client -j /etc/chef/first-boot.json -E Region1'' failed with exit status '1'. 
Node 'FQDN_of_remote_compute_node' failed: 
ERROR: Failed to add certificate for the Chef server.. 
See the log file '/var/log/chef-server/nodes/FQDN_of_remote_compute_node_2014-10-29_14-30-51-885630295000.log' 
for more information.
where FQDN_of_remote_compute_node is the fully qualified domain name for the remote host.

This problem can occur when the Chef server cannot be reached by using its fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Try to ping the Chef server by using its FQDN. If you are unable to reach the Chef server, then you must change your DNS settings.