Deployment hangs during gather cloud information

You notice that a deployment hangs when you are on the Gather cloud information page.


The deployment hangs while you are on the Gather cloud information page, and you see error logs similar to the following example:
(api.clouds): 2016-02-08 09:13:50,011 ERROR <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/ibm/icm-deployer/service/api/", line 70, in cloudsRouter
    response = get_clouds(request)
  File "/opt/ibm/icm-deployer/service/api/", line 265, in get_clouds
    clouds = cm.get_all()
  File "/opt/ibm/icm-deployer/service/persistance/", line 140, in get_all
    topology = cloud_utils.get_topology(cloud)
  File "/opt/ibm/icm-deployer/service/utils/", line 142, in get_topology
    for node in topology_json['nodes']:
KeyError: 'nodes'


The topology JSON file might not contain any node information. The default path to the topology file is /root/icm/clouds/YOURCLOUD/YOUR_topology.json.


Ensure that the topology file that you are deploying contains information for at least one node. Update the topology file if necessary, then refresh the ibm-deployer page.