Adding central logging server (CLS)

After you deploy IBM® Cloud Manager with OpenStack, you can add CLS on one of your systems by updating the topology file and environment file.

About this task

To install CLS on your existing environment, complete the following steps.


  1. Log in to the deployment system as the root user. The deployment system is where IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack was installed.
  2. Locate the directory that contains the files for the topology that you deployed. Change your-deployment-name to the name for your deployment.
    $ cd your-deployment-name
  3. Download the current environment file for your deployment. Change your-environment-name to the name for your deployment. The name of your environment can be found in the topology file of your deployment.
    $ knife environment show your-environment-name -d -Fjson > your-environment-name.json
  4. Manually edit the environment JSON file and the topology file, following the instructions in Installing the central logging server on a compute node. Then, upload it after you complete the configuration changes.
  5. Update the topology deployment to install CLS.
    # Upload the environment JSON file, your-environment-name.json.
    $ knife environment from file your-environment-name.json
    # Update the topology deployment to install CLS
    $ knife os manage update topology your-topology-name.json


For more information on how to update an existing cloud environment, see Updating a deployed topology.