Uninstalling Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge Library

To uninstall IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge Library 4.8, you must be working as an IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus user with ISQLWrite permissions.

From a command prompt, run the extracted removeadvcorr.sql script using one of the following platform-dependent, case-sensitive commands:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_sql -server objectserver_name -user username -password password < path_to_file/removeadvcorr.sql


$OMNIHOME represents your installation location of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

objectserver_name represents the name assigned to your ObjectServer

username and password are your ObjectServer login details

path_to_file is the directory path to the extracted removeadvcorr.sql file

On Windows operating systems:

%NCHOME%\bin\redist\isql.exe -S objectserver_name -U username -P password -i path_to_file\removeadvcorr.sql


%NCHOME% represents your installation location of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

objectserver_name represents the name assigned to your ObjectServer

username and password are your ObjectServer login details

path_to_file is the directory path to the extracted removeadvcorr.sql file

On successful completion, the following lines are generated:

(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)
(0 rows affected)

The uninstall process removes the intra-device correlation automations and tables, but retains the updated rules files and additional alerts.status columns. Based on your preference, you can now take one of the actions detailed below.

To continue using the rules files and additional columns, no further action is required.

To continue using the rules files without the columns, you must modify the base rules files snmptrap.rules and syslog.rules. (See Directory structure and contents of the updated rules files for details of the location of these rules files.) Open each rules file and comment out the line:

include "/opt/IBM/tivoli/NcKL/rules/include-compat/AdvCorr36.include.compat.rules"

The include statement above shows the default UNIX path, but the starting directory in this path might vary depending on your platform.

If you no longer require the rules files or columns, you must edit the trap-based and syslog-based probe properties files so that they no longer reference the rules files. To do this, open each probe properties file and comment out each line that was manually added as part of the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge Library 4.8 installation process. (See "Configuring the probes properties files" on page 15 for further details of these entries.) You must then manually remove or drop the columns from the alerts.status table using one of these methods:

  • From the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administrator window, drop the following columns from the alerts.status table:
    Table 1. Columns to be dropped from the alerts.status table
    Drop these columns:
    LocalTertObj RemoteObjRelate AdvCorrCauseType
    LocalObjRelate CorrScore AdvCorrServerName
    RemoteTertObj CauseType AdvCorrServerSerial
    LocalPriObj LocalSecObj LocalRootObj
  • From the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administrator window, enter and run the commands below in the SQL interactive interface.
  • From the command line of the SQL interactive interface, run the commands below.
alter table alerts.status drop column LocalTertObj;
alter table alerts.status drop column LocalObjRelate;
alter table alerts.status drop column RemoteTertObj;
alter table alerts.status drop column LocalPriObj;
alter table alerts.status drop column RemoteObjRelate;
alter table alerts.status drop column CorrScore;
alter table alerts.status drop column CauseType;
alter table alerts.status drop column CauseType;
alter table alerts.status drop column LocalSecObj;
alter table alerts.status drop column AdvCorrServerName;
alter table alerts.status drop column AdvCorrServerSerial;
alter table alerts.status drop column LocalRootObj;

Full details on dropping columns are provided in the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Administration Guide.

Note: If you revert to the old probe properties files or comment out the include statement in snmptrap.rules and syslog.rules, you must stop and restart your probes.
Note: If you are running Netcool/OMNIbus version 8.1, you can uninstall the Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge Library package using Installation Manager.