Reconnecting to the event source and the probe backoff strategy

The reconnection functionality allows you to specify how the probe behaves if it loses its connection to the event source. You can specify whether the probe attempts to reconnect to the data source, the maximum number of reconnection attempts the probe makes, and the frequency with which the probe makes those attempts.

You configure the reconnection functionality using the RetryCount and RetryInterval properties.

To specify how many times the probe attempts to reconnect to the data source, use the RetryCount property. If you set the RetryCount property to 0 and the probe fails to establish a connection or loses an existing connection to the data source, the probe will not attempt to reconnect to the data source.

To specify the frequency (in seconds) with which the probe attempts to reconnect to the data source, use the RetryInterval property. If you set the RetryInterval property to 0 and the probe fails to establish a connection or loses an existing connection to the data source, the probe reverts to a backoff strategy. The probe tries to reestablish a connection after one second, then two seconds, then four seconds, then eight seconds, and so on, up to a maximum of 4096 seconds.

Note: If the probe has previously connected to the database, attempted a resynchronization, and subsequently lost its connection, the probe will not attempt to the reconnect to the event source. This is because there may be a problem with the SELECT statement specified to retrieve events. The probe will write an error message to the log file and shut down. You will need to consult the error log to determine why the probe disconnected from the data source.