Connecting through either IPv4 or IPv6

The probe can be installed and run in either an IPv4 environment or in an IPv6 environment. The environment that you are using and the database to which you are connecting determines the format that you must use for the JdbcUrl property.

When you specify the URL for the database, you must include the details of both the IP address and the database to which you are connecting. The format of the URL that you specify for the JdbcUrl property depends on the type of database that you are using. The examples for IPv4 and IPv6 given in this topic are for MS SQL databases. If you are using a different database, you must consult the documentation supplied with that database for details of the format that you need to use for its URL.

Specifying the JdbcUrl for MS SQL databases when operating in an IPv4 environment

If you are running the probe in an IPv4 environment and connecting to MS SQL databases, you must specify the JdbcUrl property in the following format:

JdbcUrl : "jdbc:sqlserver://ipv4_address:port;databaseName=database_name"


  • ipv4_address is the IP address of the machine on which the MS SQL database is running.
  • port is the port number to which the probe connects.
  • database_name is the name of the MS SQL database.

Example entry for MS SQL running in an IPv4 environment:

JdbcUrl : "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=RealSecureDB"

Specifying the JdbcUrl for MS SQL databases when operating in an IPv6 environment

If you are running the probe in an IPv6 environment and connecting to MS SQL databases, you must specify the JdbcUrl property in the following format:

JdbcUrl : "jdbc:sqlserver://;serverName=ipv6_address\\instance_name;port=port_number;databaseName=database_name"


  • ipv6_address is the IP address of the machine on which the MS SQL database is running.
  • instance_name is the name running instance of the MS SQL database.
  • port_number is the port to which the probe connects.
  • database_name is the name of the MS SQL database.

Example entry for MS SQL running in an IPv6 enviroment:

JdbcUrl : "jdbc:sqlserver://;serverName=2001:15f8:106:194:d173:eed2:ee3e:5143\\MSSQLSERVER;port=1433;databaseName=RealSecureDB"