Running multiple probes

You can run multiple instances of the probe.

The following steps outline the minimum configuration requirements to run multiple probes:

  1. Create a new version of the properties file, for example:


    Where probename is the probe name from the probe properties file as listed in the Summary table of the probe's reference guide.

  2. If applicable, create a new version of the XML file, for example:


    Where probename is the probe name from the probe configuration file as listed in the Summary table of the probe's reference guide.

  3. Edit the new probename_probe1.props file to specify new values for the following properties:

    Name: Set this property to probename_probe1.

    RulesFile: Set this property to the default rules file.

    Note: For probes with additional configuration or log files, duplicate these files for each probe instance to avoid conflict issues.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each additional instance that you want to run.

Run each unique instance separately, using the following command, for example:

On UNIX and Linux operating systems:
  • Instance 1 (probename_probe1):

    nco_p_probename -propsfile "/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/probes/arch/probenames_probe1.props"

  • Instance 2 (probename_probe2):

    nco_p_probename -propsfile "/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/probes/arch/probenames_probe2.props"

On Windows operating systems:

  • Instance 1 (probename_probe1):

    nco_p_probename.bat -propsfile "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\probes\\win32\\probename_probe1.props"

  • Instance 2 (probename_probe2):

    nco_p_probename.bat -propsfile "C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\probes\\win32\\probename_probe2.props"