Troubleshooting the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis integration

This topic describes common error messages that you may encounter when you start the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis integration for the first time. It also includes a description of the error messages that the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis transport module generates.

Error 1 in gateway log file

2013-11-06T09:28:17: Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: 
[THREAD=29]: Unexpected communication failure to data collector 
'https://localhost:9987/Unity/DataCollector' detected. 
Exception Msg = [ 
SSLContext Default implementation not found: ], 
Exception Type = []


The IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis keystore or truststore file does not exist or its path is not specified correctly.


Check that the value of the keyStore property and the trustStore property in the $OMNIHOME/java/conf/ file are set to valid keystore/truststore files. On Windows platforms, the delimiter in the path should be escaped, for example: keyStore=C:\\IBM\\Tivoli\\Netcool\\omnibus\\java\\security\\client.jks.

Error 2 in gateway log file

2013-09-06T12:22:42: Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: [THREAD=23]: 
Failed to send batch to data collector. HTTP response code != 200. [{ 
responseMessage:Not Found responseException:null authenticationRequired:false
cookieJar:null responseContent:
"CTGLA0401E : 
Missing data source ","RESPONSE_CODE":404}


The data source does not match the one configured in IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.


Check the values of the jsonMsgHostname and jsonMsgPath properties in the $OMNIHOME/java/conf/ file. These values should match the values set for the host name and path of the data source configured in IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis administrative settings.

Error 3 in gateway log file

2013-11-05T14:59:09: Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: [THREAD=24]: 
Unexpected communication failure to data collector 
'https://localhost:9987/Unity/DataCollector' detected. 
Exception Msg = [ PKIX path building failed: 
unable to find valid certification path to requested target], 
Exception Type = []


The IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis host certificate is not available in the trustStore.


Check that the value of trustStore property in the $OMNIHOME/java/conf/ file is set correctly. If it is, import the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis host certificate to the file specified by the trustStore property.

Error 4 in gateway log file

2013-11-05T14:59:09: Error: E-GJA-000-000: [ngjava]: XMLGateway: [THREAD=24]: 
Unexpected communication failure to data collector 
'https://localhost:9987/Unity/DataCollector' detected. 
Exception Msg = [ PKIX path building failed: 
The certificate expire at Tue Dec 04 18:59:23 GMT 2012], 
Exception Type = []


The IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis host certificate in the trust store has expired.


Check that the value of the trustStore property in the $OMNIHOME/java/conf/ file is set correctly. If it is, import the new IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis host certificate to the file specified by the trustStore property.

The SSL connection could fail if the server side certificate expires or if the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis data collector has been upgraded.

If you need to renew the server side certificate, you must recreate the certificate and import it into the keystore file. Similarly, if you upgrade the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis data collector, you must create a new certificate and import it into the keystore file. For details see Configuring the SSL transport for the IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis.

Failed to find column NmosObjInst

The gateway fails to start up with the following error:

2015-02-20T08:20:23: Error: E-GOB-102-088: [ngobjserv]: Reader: Failed to find
column 'NmosObjInst' that is specified in map 'StatusMap' for the source table
'alerts.status'. (0:No error)


This error occurs if you are using one of the following map definition files:

  • definition file to connect to an OMNIbus Insight Pack and higher
  • definition file to connect to an OMNIbus Insight Pack Version and higher

The error occurs when the NmostObjInst column has been removed from the alerts.status table in the ObjectServer.


To resolve this issue, either add an integer column called NmostObjInst to the alerts.status table or modify the or definition file. Follow these steps if you choose to modify the or definition file:

  1. Locate the or definition file in the following directory:
  2. Make a backup copy of the or definition file.
  3. Open the or definition file for editing.
  4. Locate the StatusMap section and, specifically, the NmostObjInst field.
  5. Change the value of the NmostObjInst field from 'NmosObjInst' = '@NmosObjInst', to 'NmosObjInst' = '',.
    Note: Do not remove the NmostObjInst field entirely or the gateway will fail to send data to the ObjectServer.
  6. Save the edits and exit the or definition file.
  7. Restart the gateway to pick up the changes.