Running the gateway

This topic describes how to run the gateway.

To start the gateway on UNIX and Linux® operating systems, run the following command:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_g_xml -propsfile $OMNIHOME/etc/gateway.props

Where gateway is G_XML or G_SCALA.

To start the gateway as a process on Windows operating systems, run the following command:

%OMNIHOME%\bin\win32\nco_g_xml.exe -propsfile %OMNIHOME%\etc\gateway.props

Where gateway is G_XML or G_SCALA.

Running the gateway as a Windows service

To run the gateway as a Windows Service, use the following steps:

  1. Run a console as an administrator.
  2. In the console, install the gateway as a Windows service using the following command:

    > nco_g_xml.exe /INSTALL /CMDLINE "-propsfile %OMNIHOME%\etc\G_XML.props"

  3. Since auto-sourcing of CLASSPATH is not possible in service mode, the CLASSPATH must be configured manually: To configure the Gate.Java.ClassPath property, use the following steps:
    1. Run %OMNIHOME%\bin\win32\nco_g_xml.bat <output_file> to generate CLASSPATH.
    2. Copy the CLASSPATH string from the <output_file>.
    3. Edit the G_XML.props file (see the argument passed in the service installation),
    4. Paste the CLASSPATH string to Gate.Java.ClassPath,
      Important: Convert all single slash in the paths to double backslashes (i.e. \\).
  4. Go to Windows Services. Right click on Netcool/Omnibus XML Gateway and go to Properties. In the Start parameter specify the parameter you will use to start the gateway. For example: -messagelevel debug -propsfile %OMNIHOME%/etc/G_XML.props.

  5. Start the XML Gateway service.
  6. For Omnibus 810, copy the nco_g_xml jar file from %OMNIHOME%/bin/win32 to %OMNIHOME%/bin and follow the steps above to start the Windows Service.

To remove the gateway as a Windows service, run the following command:

nco_gxml /REMOVE

Note: If the service is not removed from Windows Services, restart Windows.