Configuring the Gateway for Amdocs CRM

Use the following steps to configure the Gateway for Amdocs CRM.

  1. Set values for the CLARIFY_HOME and ORACLE_INSTALL_DIR variables in the environment variables file:


    For example:
    • CLARIFY_HOME="/space/AmdocsCRM7.5/AmdocsCRMApplication"
    • ORACLE_INSTALL_DIR="/space/oracle_instant_client-"
  2. Run $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_xigen and add AMDOCSCRM to the Netcool/OMNIbus server editor list.
  3. Copy the Amdocs CRM properties file $OMNIHOME/gates/amdocscrm/AMDOCSCRM.props to $OMNIHOME/etc and set the Gate.AmdocsCrm.HttpServerPropsFile property so that it specifies the location of the file, for example:


  4. Set values for the ServerPort, Gate.AmdocsCrm.UserName and Gate.AmdocsCrm.Password properties.
    Note: The Gate.AmdocsCrm.UserName and Gate.AmdocsCrm.Password property values must be the same as the user name and password set for the Amdocs Web Application, TestCboInstallCpp.
  5. Add a right click – tool to the OMNIbus event list GUI for logging tickets by adding the following line to the OMNIbus SQL file:
    update alerts.status set LogTicket=1 where Serial in ( $selected_rows.Serial );
    flush iduc;
  6. Start the gateway.
To ensure that the gateway configuration is successful pick an alert and mark it for ticket creation, either by setting the LogTicket column value to 1 using the LogTicket tool or using the following command:
  • nco_sql update alerts.status set LogTicket=1 where Serial=Serial no of alert”.
    Note: The first ticket will take time to create as the gateway is logging into Amdocs.
If the gateway is correctly configured, a ticket will be created.