Using the transformer

The transformer reads the XML event stream and converts the event data into a format suitable for the destination application.

For the probe, the endpoint from which the events are generated determines which transformation is required. For the gateway, the message ID determines which transformation is required; the message ID will either be a hard coded value or @col_name, which then uses the value of the column specified as the ID to decide which transformation is required.

If the destination system is Netcool/OMNIbus, the probe uses the transformer to transform the XML messages into a set of typed name-value pairs. For this conversion, the transformer uses the netcool2nvpairs.xsl file to convert Netcool® XML events. For other XML events, the probe uses the XSLT file created for that type of XML event to generate the name-value pairs.

If the destination system is an XML event source, the gateway uses the transformer to transform a Netcool event into an XML representation of the event that can then be sent to another application. For this conversion, the transformer uses the XSLT file related to that particular XML event source.

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