Adding a network view to a bookmark
Add a network view to a bookmark by right-clicking the desired network view in the network view libraries tree.
About this task
- Click the Incident icon and select Network Availability > Network Views > Libraries.
- Select a single network view as follows:
- From the network view library drop-down list above the network view tree, select the network view library that contains the network view to add to the bookmark.
- In the network view tree navigate to the desired network view.
- Right-click the desired network view and click Add
to Bookmark, then in the submenu, click the name of the
bookmark to add the network view to. Only the bookmarks that you have
permission to read and write to appear in the list. For example, if you want to add the selected network views to an existing bookmark named Bookmark1, then click Add to Bookmark > Bookmark1.Network views are added to the bookmark in the following way:
- If you selected a parent network view, then the parent network view and all of its child network views are added to the bookmark. If the parent network view is a dynamic network view, then as child network views are added to or removed from the parent following network discovery, the views are added to or removed from the bookmark automatically.
- If you selected one or more child network views whether of a standard or dynamic parent network view then only the network views you selected are added to the bookmark. In addition, individually selected child network views of dynamic parent network views will be automatically removed from the bookmark if the child network view is removed following network discovery.
- Whichever view you add to a bookmark, the system automatically adds its parent, the parent's parent, and so on until it gets to the top of the tree.
Note: Manually added network views appear without an asterisk to the left of the view name. System-added network views appear with an asterisk to the left of the view name. For example, if you added a parent network view to the bookmark, then the parent network view and all of its child network views are added to the bookmark. Asterisks are shown as follows:- The parent network view was manually added, and therefore appears without an asterisk.
- The child network views were added by the system, and therefore appear with an asterisk.