
cqtsadmin-dbset-userdb.xml is a full-text search administrator configuration file that the cqtsadmin.pl Perl script generates. The file contains data about your deployment.

cqtsadmin-dbset-userdb.xml is one of two components of the full-text search administrator tool. The other component is the cqtsadmin.pl Perl script, which automates the steps to set up, configure, and administer IBM Rational ClearQuest full-text search.

The cqtsadmin-dbset-userdb.xml configuration file and its tags are described in the IBM Rational ClearQuest Full-Text Search Administrator’s Guide. See Full-text search configuration for the location of this document.

ClearQuest v8.0.0.5 adds support for the <solrVersion> configuration tag, which is described next.


The <solrVersion> tag contains the Apache Solr version that ClearQuest currently supports. The ClearQuest full-text search administrator tool uses the value of this tag to determine what the current Apache Solr version is, and whether a newer version is available. When you upgrade the Apache Solr application by using the upgrade_solr_app command-line option, the value of this tag is updated to reflect the upgraded version.
Important: Do not change the value of the <solrVersion> tag unless you are instructed to by IBM Support.
