
Exports or imports all the contents of a public folder from one user database to another.


Platform: Windows

Subcommands: delete, export, import, update


option -dbset dbset -us "username" -password password -db "dbname" { -directory "pathname" | -storagefile "pathname"}


The bkt_tool command exports and imports all the contents of a Public Folder, available in the Rational® ClearQuest® client workspace, from one user database to another. This utility is helpful when you are developing a new schema based either on the Blank or Common predefined schema and want to work with queries, charts, and reports without having to create them all.

This utility is also useful when you are working with test databases. For example, you may want to test queries, charts, and reports in the test database before introducing schema changes in the production database. In this case, you can use bkt_tool to export and imort all the production workspace items to the test database.

The subcommands available with the bkt_tool allow you to:

Options and arguments

One of -e (export), -d (delete), -i (import), -u (update)
Specifies the schema connection name. Required if there are multiple schema repositories in the system.
The ClearQuest login name of the user. This user must have Super User privileges.
The ClearQuest password for the user. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotes.
The logical name of the user database from which you are exporting the Workspace contents.
The path name of the exported file. Enclose the path name in double quotes. If -directory is specified, the pathname containing the various files comprising the load must exist if the option specified is -i or -u. The directory contains a text file named CONTENTS.CFG and a series of files 0001.DAT through nnnn.DAT that contain the binary data for each of the Workspace items. If -storagefile is specified then the pathname is the path name of an IStorage compound document.


See also

delete, import, export, update
