Adding and removing users in a group

You can add users to a group and remove users from a group by creating an AdminSession and then logging in as an admin.

The following code examples illustrates adding and removing users from groups.


' Initiate an admin session and log on as "admin"...
Dim adminSession ' an AdminSession object
Dim GCol ' a Groups collection object
Dim numGs ' a Long
Dim M ' a String
Dim g ' a Long
Dim GObj ' a Group Object
Dim UCol ' a Users collection object
Dim u ' a Long
Dim UObj ' a User object

set adminSession = CreateObject("ClearQuest.AdminSession")
adminSession.Logon "admin", "", "LOCALTEST"

Function ShowUsersInGroups(Tag)

set GCol = adminSession.Groups
numGs = GCol.Count
M = Tag & VbCrLf
If numGs = 0 Then
   M = Tag & ", there are no groups" & VbCrLf
   M = Tag & ", there are " & numGs & " group(s)." & VbCrLf
   For g = 0 to (numGs - 1)
      set GObj = GCol.Item(g)
      M = M & "Group=" & GObj.Name & " Users="
      set UCol = GObj.Users
      For u = 0 to (UCol.Count - 1)
         set UObj = UCol.Item(u)
         M = M & UObj.Name & " "
      M = M & VbCrLf
End If
MsgBox M
End Function

' Display the starting state...
call ShowUsersInGroups("At the beginning of this program's execution")

' Get the Group and User object handles...
set GObj = adminSession.GetGroup("MyGroup")
set UObj = adminSession.GetUser("QE")

' Add user to group:
GObj.AddUser UObj
call ShowUsersInGroups("After adding user 'QE' to group 'MyGroup'")

' Remove user from group:
GObj.RemoveUser UObj
call ShowUsersInGroups("After removing user 'QE' from group 'MyGroup'") 


use CQPerlExt;

$DEBUG = 1;

sub ShowUsersInGroups() {
local($Tag) = shift;
my($GCol) = $adminSession->GetGroups();
my($GCount) = $GCol->Count();
if ($GCount == 0) {
   print "\n$Tag, there are no groups.\n\n";
else {
   print "\n$Tag, there " .
   (($GCount == 1) ? "is $GCount group.\n":"are $GCount groups.\n");
   print "Group Users in group\n" .
   "========== ==========================================\n";
   for ($i = 0; $i < $GCount; $i++) {
      my($GObj) = $GCol->Item($i);
      printf("%-10.10s ", $GObj->GetName());
   # Display the list of users in the group...
      my($UCol) = $GObj->GetUsers();
      if ($UCol->Count() == 0) {
         print "(none)\n";
      else {
         for (my($u) = 0; $u < $UCol->Count(); $u++) {
            my($UObj) = $UCol->Item($u);
            print ($UObj->GetName() . " ");
         print ("\n");
print "\n";

# Initiate an admin session and log on as "admin"...
   $adminSession= CQAdminSession::Build()
   or die "Error creating AdminSession object.\n";
   print "Admin session create OK\n" if ($DEBUG);
   $adminSession->Logon("admin", "", "LOCALTEST");
   print "Back from logging in to admin session\n" if ($DEBUG);

# Display the users who are members of groups before doing anything...
   &ShowUsersInGroups("At the beginning of this program's execution");

# Get handles for the 'QE' user and the 'MyGroup' group...
   $GObj = $adminSession->GetGroup("MyGroup");
   $UObj = $adminSession->GetUser("QE");

# Add user "QE" to the "MyGroup" group...

# Display the users who are members of groups...
   &ShowUsersInGroups("After adding user 'QE' to group 'MyGroup'");

# Remove the user from the group...

# Display the users in groups now...
   &ShowUsersInGroups("After removing user 'QE' from group 'MyGroup'");

