ClearQuest Object

The CQClearQuest object is a top-level creatable object for the Perl API. It serves as a "factory" for some of the other API objects, such as Session and AdminSession.

Note: The CQClearQuest object and its methods are for usage with Perl only.

A CQClearQuest object provides access as an application object, or point of entry into the Perl API. You can create a CQClearQuest object directly.

To create a CQClearQuest object, you can do the following:

   use CQPerlExt;
   my $cqobject = CQClearQuest::Build();
   # Do something with the ClearQuest object...
   # Delete any objects that you explicitly create and do not need anymore
For version 2003.06.15 and later, the following methods are available and can be used for retrieving or setting the session timer poll interval

A ClearQuest application can check and close idle database connections through a timeout mechanism. The frequency in which the ClearQuest timer thread checks for idle sessions is determined by the poll interval value. This value is set for the schema repository and user databases using ClearQuest Designer. This value specifies the frequency of checking for timeouts but does not affect the actual database timeout value.
