Migration Utility

This Utility can be used for migrating from a lower version of HOD to a higher version. Host On-Demand migration is a two-step process:

  1. Exporting the files from the source HOD server (HOD11 onwards). This process will create the Migrationpackage.zip file
  2. Importing the exported files to the target HOD server. This process will import the files from Migrationpackage.zip file to target HOD server (HOD12 onwards)

HOD source and target server can be on the same machine or a different machine.

Note: If HOD Source and target server are on different machines then Migrationpackage.zip file created in the export operation must be placed in the target machine (This is a manual process that the administrator has to take care of)

Allowed Host On-Demand migrating versions and environments

Host On-Demand migrating versions

  1. HOD11 to HOD12, HOD13
  2. HOD12 (lower version) to HOD12 (higher version)
  3. HOD12 to HOD13, HOD 14, HOD 15
  4. HOD13 to HOD14, HOD 15
  5. HOD 14 to HOD 15
Host On-Demand migration supported environments
  1. Win 7, Win 10 - 32 bit, 64 bit
  2. Win 11
  3. Windows Server 2012 and above
  4. RHEL 7.2 and above
  5. AIX 7.2 and above
  6. AS400 7.2 and above
  7. Ubuntu 16.0.4 and above
Note: Export and Import operations are supported only on the same platform (e.g Windows to Windows, Linux to Linux etc.)

Location of HOD migration utility and installation

HODMigrationUtility.zip will be available on Fix central. Admin must download the zip file and place it in the Host On-Demand publish directory. There is no other installation that is needed.

Files available in the HODMigrationUtility.zip

  1. Build.ID: contains the "buildid" that is HOD version and the build date
  2. HODMigrationUtility.jar: Migration utility jar file
  3. Export.xml: Input file required for "export" operation
  4. Import.xml: Input file required for "import" operation

Steps to run the HOD migration utility

  1. Unzip the HODMigrationUtility.zip file
  2. Modify the contents of export.xml and import.xml file as needed. Refer to "5 .Export and Import input files" section below to understand what inputs are needed
  3. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where HODMigrationUtility.jar file is available.

    e.g cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\HostOnDemand14\HOD14\HODMigrationUtility

  4. Provide command to run migration operation

    Export operation: java -jar HODMigrationUtility.jar c:\Test\Export.xml

    Note: Once the export operation is completed, a completion message will be displayed along with the location where migration package zip file is created

    Import operation: java -jar HODMigrationUtility.jar c:\Test\Import.xml

    Note: Once the import operation is completed, a successful message will be displayed.

    Rollback operation: java -jar HODMigrationUtility.jar c:\Test\Rollback.xml

    Note: Rollback xml file gets generated automatically after an import operation is performed. Rollback can be performed only once
Note: Users must add JAXB jars to the classpath if using JDK 11 or higher versions.

Export and Import input files


Table 1. List of input attributes for export and what they mean
Input attribute Explanation
migrationInput This is the root directory for the input xml file.
mode This tag specifies the mode of operation. Input is mandatory for this tag. Input for this tag should be "export" (upper or lower case does not matter).
HODPublishDirectory Specifies Host On-Demand publish directory

Input is mandatory for this tag


<HODPublishDirectory>C:\Program Files\IBM\HostOnDemand\HOD</HODPublishDirectory>
sourceMigratingPackage Specifies location to save Migration package zip

If not specified, the current location is used to save the Migration package zip.


overWrite Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): If the migration package already exists, utility will overwrite the existing package. Following message will be displayed.
Migration Package already exists at : 
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\

Migration is overwriting the existing migration package.

Migration package has been created successfully at...
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\

Input "no": If the migration package already exists, utility will not create the migration package. Instead, the following message will be displayed.
Migration Package already exists at.. : 
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\

Migration is terminated due to existing migration package.
HOD Migration process Terminated.
customFiles customFiles is the parent tag for fileLocation sub tags.

If there are custom files (.kmp .bar .col .pmp,.mac) files saved in locations other than default location (user/HODObjs) those locations need to be provided in this tag so that files in those locations are also picked for migration.

Each custom file location needs to be provided in the fileLocation tag.



Refer to the table below for a list of files that will be exported into the migration package
Table 2. List of files covered by export operation
Files Location Files directly copied to target machine Files modified by migration utility
Deployment wizard files
DW created html, z_*.html, _J2.html, .jnlp HOD publish directory No All
Complete HOD Data folder

.cf files






HOD publish directory HODData Following files will be copied directly to target HOD server





.cf file


Custom files
Default Custom files User directory HODObjs folder e.g.: C:\Users\<SystemUser>\HODObjs Yes None
User defined custom files User defined location (Shared or network location) Yes (customfiles folder will be created and all custom files will be copied) None
Private Directory files
Private Files (All files and folders) HOD Install directory private Yes None
Directory Utility
Sample.xml and user created .xml HOD Install directory lib\samples\DirUtil Yes None
HODSerKeyDb.kdb HODServerKeyDb.sth HODServerKeyDb.rdb bin directory Yes None
WellKnownTrustedCAs.class WellKnownTrustedCAs.jks WellKnownTrustedCAs.p12 HOD publish directory If a file with the same name already exists, it will not be copied to target HOD server Conversion of .p12 to jks file
pdfpdt files
Printer Definition File: All the files HOD publish directory/ pdfpdt Yes None
Property file
Config.properties HOD publish directory Yes None
Table 3. List of input attributes for Import and what they mean
Input attribute Explanation
migrationInput This is the root directory for the input xml file.
mode This tag specifies the mode of operation. Input is mandatory for this tag. Input for this tag should be "import" (upper or lower case does not matter).
HODPublishDirectory Specifies Host On-Demand publish directory

Input is mandatory for this tag


<HODPublishDirectory>C:\Program Files\IBM\
migratingPackageLocation Specifies location to save Migration package zip

If not specified, the current location is used to save the Migration package zip.


systemJavaBinDirectory Specifies z/OS and AS/400 system java bin folder

This tag input required only for z/OS and AS/400 OS


options options tag is the parent tag to provide input for following child tags.

Terminal, FileTransfer, Icon, FTPTerminal, dbaOptions, targetUI

These tags need to be provided in the following format:

<Terminal key="" value=""/>
	<FileTransfer key="" value=""/>
	<FTPTerminal key="" value=""/>
	<dbaOptions key="" value=""/>

Above mentioned tags are related to session parameter

Security related parameters can also be specified to convert SSL3 to JSSE TLS1.2. This needs to be set under Terminal tag

Input for these tags is key and value in double quotes

e.g. <Terminal key="LUName" 

Key should not be null, value can be null

These key value pairs will be written to the cf file on the target system of the corresponding sessions

To provide more than one session parameter, tag has to be repeated with different key and value pair. e.g.

<Terminal key="LUName" value="abc"/>
			<Terminal key="History" value="false"/>
			<Terminal key="fontStyle" value="0"/>
targetUI HTML file look and feel of HOD 11 and HOD12 /HOD13/HOD14 is different.

HOD12, HOD13 and HOD14 has the "Nimbus" look and feel for HTML files.

Input "yes" (default): All the migrating HTML files will get the Nimbus look and feel in their UI.

Input "no": To retain the source UI look and feel for HTML files.

codebase Input is mandatory for this tag.

This codebase is required for webstart client pages. The URL that you specify here must identify the target Host On-Demand publish directory. e.g.

where server_name.mycompany.com is the name of the server on which Host On-Demand is installed, and hodalias is the Host On-Demand publish alias.

targetBackup Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): Backup file will be created for the target Host On-Demand server files. The target Host On-Demand server where import will be run, files are backed up before running the Import - refer to the table below for a list of files that will be backed up

Input "no": Backup file will not be created for migrating Host On-Demand server files.
overwriteHODPublishDirectory Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): Files with same name (source and target files) will be overwritten in the target HOD server in publish directory

Input "no": Files with same name (source and target files) will not be overwritten in publish directory, only new files or directories will be migrated to target
overwritePrivate Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): Files with same name (source and target files) will be overwritten in the target HOD server in private directory

Input "no": Files with same name (source and target files) will not be overwritten in private directory, only new files or directories will be migrated to target
overwritePdfPdt Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): Files with same name (source and target files) will be overwritten in the target HOD server in pdfpdt directory

Input "no": Files with same name (source and target files) will not be overwritten in pdfpdt directory, only new files or directories will be migrated to target
overwriteDirUtil Input is mandatory for this tag.

Input "yes" (default): Files with same name (source and target files) will be overwritten in the target HOD server in DirUtil directory

Input "no": Files with same name (source and target files) will not be overwritten in DirUtil directory, only new files or directories will be migrated to target
Table 4. List of files in the Target directory that will be backed up
Folder Files
Private Directory All the files and directories
Bin directory HODServerKeyDb.kdb , HODServerKeyDb.sth, HODServerKeyDb.rdb, HODServerKeyStore.jks
HOD publish directory->pdfpdt Printer Definition File
HOD publish directory WellKnownTrustedCAs.class WellKnownTrustedCAs.jks WellKnownTrustedCAs.p12 CustomizedCAs.p12 CustomizedCAs.jks CustomizedCAs.sth Config.properties Deployment Wizard Files
lib folder redir.properties
lib\samples\DirUtil All the files
HostOnDemand\HOD\HODData All folders and files

Background information about Import operation

  1. Custom files (both default and those provided in the export xml) will get imported.
    • Custom File Location: /lib/CustomFiles/
    • Default File location: System user/admin/HODObjs/
  2. Security keystore will get imported if doesn't exist in target.
    • If only P12 and KDB keystore exist on the target then, P12 and KDB from source system gets converted to JKS.
    • If target already consists of JKS, P12 and KDB then the import will ignore all the keystores. The keystore on the target will be left intact.
  3. Import Summary.
    • Successful import process will create
      1. ImportSummary.txt under current directory
      2. .importSuccess under /lib/.importSuccess
    • If import process is tried a second time, then on the console, a message will be displayed.
      Files from a source HOD server were already migrated to target. C:\lib\.importSuccess. HOD Migration process Terminated.
    • ImportSummary.txt will have report of imported files from source to target.
  4. Rollback
    • If there are any errors/exceptions in the import process or any abnormal condition happens, then Rollback is run automatically
    • Rollback will be performed for the current target server. Whatever backup got created from target, all those all file are reverted back to their previous state.
    • Import process will generate Rollback.xml in the current directory. On the console, a message will be displayed
      Rollback File created in current directory to perform rollback. C:\Test\Rollback.xml
    • .rollback file gets created in lib folder
    • Generated Rollback.xml will get utilized to run rollback process only once.
    • Every directory where backup has been taken, there will be an extra file by name .checkSumTemp that will be created and an entry will be added to /lib/ImportDirectory.txt. After rollback is completed, .checkSumTemp file gets deleted.
    • Rollback process can also be run manually using the generated rollback.xml. This will remove all imported files from current HOD directory and restore to the previous stage.
    • After rollback is completed, timestamp of the file will also gets changed not just content.
    • After successful rollback, rollback process will generate a file by name .rollbackSuccess in /lib folder
    • After successful rollback, if rollback process is manually tried again, a message will be displayed on the console.

Points to remember

  1. Host On-Demand services should be stopped while running the migration utility. After completion of migration process, Host On-Demand services should be restarted.
  2. Never rename the "HODMigrationUtility.jar"
  3. After migration following extra files will be created. This is for recording information to be used by the migration utility. Don't delete or tamper with these files: .rollback, .rollbackSuccess, .importsuccess, .checksumtemp, and ImportDirectory.txt.
  4. HOD uninstall does not delete HODMigrationUtility.jar from HOD publish directory


  1. Post migration redirector IP needs to be updated in the target machine i.e. if the export consisted of redirector sessions, migration utility does not change the destination address for those sessions. Users need to manually change the destination address.
  2. If users have Dynamic HTML override configured in their sessions, those settings will not be migrated. So it is not recommended to run Migration Utility if users have configured Dynamic HTML overriding.
  3. Users using Programmable HOD also not recommended to run Migration Utility, for the same reason as above.
  4. If location of Custom files is identical with just a difference of drive, post import, all the Custom Files will be merged and copied under one directory.


  1. Source and target systems where the utility needs to be run should have installed java and java path should be set in environment variable.
  2. All the directories of Host On-Demand should have full control access - this is especially needed for non-Windows servers.
  3. If custom files are available in a shared directory or network location, then those locations should also be accessible.

Using Migration Utility for User Based Sessions in Host On-Demand:

Starting from version 14.0, Host On-Demand supports a managed model where users can connect to HOD sessions using the following two options:
  1. HTML-based model: By creating html pages, adding sessions to these pages and then accessing these pages from browsers.
    Note: HTML-based model allows user to change the session properties of all sessions together.
  2. Configuration server-based model: By creating users, adding sessions to these users, and then login with the user's credentials to access the sessions.
    Note: In the Configuration server-based model, users cannot change the session properties for all sessions using the 'html' parameter.
Refer to below steps to change session properties in the Cofiguration server-based model using Migration Utility:
  1. Navigate to the HOD server location, and create a .properties file (e.g abc.properties).
  2. Mention the session parameter which needs to be updated and provide the new value for this session parameter inside this .properties file.
  3. Open the Command Prompt, and run the below command.

    Syntax: java -jar MigrationUtility.jar <.properties file location>

    Examlple: java -jar MigrationUtility.jar /test/abc.properties

  4. Provide the required values for the below parameters when prompted:
    • HOD publish directory
    • Admin user name and password
  5. After successful execution, the session properties for all sessions will get updated.

Limitations of Migration Utility to change Session Properties:

  1. Currently, this utility works only for Display and VT sessions but not for the other session types such as Printer and FTP.
  2. A user with the Admin role can run the Migration Utility.
  3. If an Admin user runs this utility, it updates the session properties of all the sessions under all groups instead of changing the sessions under the Admin.