Preprocess for DEDB Pointer Checker: Initializing permanent data sets

To use the DEDB Pointer Checker function, you must have the Statistics History data set and the Statistics History2 data set initialized.

Table 1. Statistics History data set and Statistics History2 data set
Statistics History data set Statistics History2 data set

This data set is used by module FABADA5. It is defined by the HISTORY DD statement. You must use DISP=(MOD,KEEP,KEEP).

Whenever you run FABADA5 with a HISTORY DD statement present, the Statistics History data set is updated. FABADA5 adds one record for each DEDB area that it processes. The record contains the key space utilization and performance information for that area.

Note: Use of this data set in your FABADA5 JCL is optional. If you do not intend to maintain a history of your DEDB Pointer Checker results, you do not have to allocate the Statistics History data set.

This data set is used by module FABADA5. It is defined by the HISTORY2 DD statement. You must use DISP=(MOD,KEEP,KEEP).

Whenever you run FABADA5 with a HISTORY2 DD statement specified, the Statistics History2 data set will be updated.

FABADA5 adds one record for each UOW range that is specified by UOWCTL. The record contains the information that is totaled by UOW range for that area.

Note: Use of this data set in your FABADA5 JCL is optional. If you do not intend to maintain a History2 data set of your DEDB Pointer Checker results, you do not need to allocate the Statistics History2 data set.

The following figure shows the JCL you should use to allocate the Statistics History data set and the Statistics History2 data set.

Figure 1. Sample JCL to initialize permanent data sets: History and History2 data sets
//IDCAMS  EXEC PGM=IDCAMS                                               
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=A                                                 
//SYSIN     DD *                                                        
   DELETE  ( HPFP.STAT.HIST2 ) NONVSAM                                      
   SET MAXCC = 0                                                          
//**  ALLOCATE STATISTICS HISTORY DATA SET                                
//**  ALLOCATE STATISTICS HISTORY2 DATA SET                               
//IEFBR14 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                                
//             DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=100,BLKSIZE=800,              
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(2,2),RLSE)                          
//             DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=200,BLKSIZE=1600,             
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(4,4),RLSE)                          