Creating a site default table for FF Stand-alone DB Sensor

To generate a site default table, code the FF Site Default Generation utility JCL, run the job, and assemble and link-edit the source code.

About this task

The following figure shows the steps for creating the site default table. The numbers in the figure match the numbers in the procedure steps.

Figure 1. Steps for creating a site default table (FF Stand-alone DB Sensor)
This figure shows the steps for creating a site default table. The details of the steps are described after this figure.


  1. Write the EXEC and the DD statements.

    For the format of the EXEC statement and the list of DD statements, see EXEC and DD statements for the FF Site Default Generation utility.

  2. Run the FF Site Default Generation utility (BBESTGEN) job step to create the source code for BBESCTL0.

    Ensure that the return code is 0. Also check the Site Default report to ensure that the options that you specified are set in the BBESCTL0.

    See the following topics for more information:
  3. Assemble and link-edit the BBESCTL0 source code.

    To create the site default table, assemble and link the SYSPUNCH data set that is generated by BBESTGEN.


The following example shows how to specify the FF Site Default Generation utility JCL to create source code for BBESCTL0.

Figure 2. JCL for creating the site default table (FF Site Default Generation utility)
//BBESDFL1 JOB ....  
//DBSTGEN  PROC HLQ='HPS'                                               
//*  CREATE SOURCE CODE OF SITE DEFAULT TABLE                           
//G        EXEC PGM=BBESTGEN,PARM='GEN'                                 
//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=&HLQ..SHPSLMD0 DB Solution Pack load module library
//SYSPUNCH DD   DISP=(NEW,PASS,DELETE),DSN=&&SOURCE,                    
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,BLKSIZE=800),SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)),UNIT=SYSDA   
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                                
//SYSUDUMP DD   DUMMY                                                   
//ASM      EXEC PGM=ASMA90,COND=(4,LT,G),                                
//             PARM='OBJECT,NODECK,LIST,XREF(SHORT)'                     
//SYSLIN   DD   DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5,0)),             
//             DCB=(BLKSIZE=400),DSN=&&OBJECT                            
//SYSUT1   DD   DISP=(,DELETE),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,5))             
//SYSPUNCH DD   DUMMY                                                    
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                                 
//SYSIN    DD   DISP=(OLD,DELETE,DELETE),DSN=&&SOURCE                    
//L        EXEC PGM=IEWL,COND=(4,LT,ASM),REGION=4096K,                   
//             PARM='LIST,REFR,REUS,AMODE=31,RMODE=ANY'                  
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                                                 
//SYSLIN   DD   DISP=(OLD,DELETE,DELETE),DSN=&OBJECT                     
//         PEND                                                          
//GO       EXEC DBSTGEN,HLQ=HPS                  
//* SPECIFY SITE DEFAULT VALUES         *                                
//G.BBESIN DD  *                                                         
 GLOBAL DBRC=YES,                                   

What to do next

When you code the DB Sensor JCL to run a Database Sensor job, you must concatenate the load module library in which BBESCTL0 resides to the STEPLIB DD of the DB Sensor JCL.

You can always check the options that are set in the site default table by running the FF Site Default Generation utility with the PARM='REPORT' option. When you specify this option, the utility prints the keywords and their parameters that are set in the site default table in the Site Default report.

The following example shows how to print the keywords and the parameters that are defined in BBESCTL0.

Figure 3. JCL for printing the contents of the site default table (FF Site Default Generation utility)
//BBESDFL2 JOB ....  
//*  PRINT SITE DEFAULT TABLE                           
//REPORT   EXEC PGM=BBESTGEN,PARM='REPORT'                                 
//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=HPS.SHPSLMD0 DB Solution Pack load module library
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*